Welcome To BulletHeck 1.2(Changelog in description)

Published 2023-06-12

Welcome To BulletHeck is a small Rougelike game focused on randomized items and conserving energy. Energy is consumed by both shooting (x) and sprinting (z) and running out will cause the player to slow down for a short time. New guns and items can be discovered as you progress as well as stat upgrades that can be bought from shops. The only objective is to reach floor 10 and fight the boss.

Weapons can be found in chests scattered around the map. Each gun has perks and disadvantages so there isn't really a best option. Each run you could be given different guns so try and experiment!

Trinkets act like charms from Hollow knight or accessories from Terraria. Each has its own ability that help boost the player in some way, whether that be increasing the players damage, movement speed, or other unique effects such as leaving a trail of fire when you sprint. However you can only have a limited number of them active at a time. You can increase the amount by buying the upgrade at the shop.

This game took a lot of work and it was a lot of fun to work on. There is definitely more that could be done with this but I tried to keep the game relatively small while still being fun to play. This may be the last game I make on Pico8 for awhile as I am looking forward to learning different programing languages but in the meantime I hope you enjoy playing Welcome To BulletHeck and the other games I have made!

-simplified the UI to save tokens and make it easier to make visibility better
-added an animation for dying
-slightly buffed the speed of fuseheads when hit and added a visual for them speeding up
-slightly buffed the Heckfire (damage increase)

With the extra tokens I had enough room to add in another weapon. It is similar to the heckfire but with longer range, less damage, and higher energy cost.