Tomorrow's Vege-Mallet Therapy (in 20 seconds or less)

Published 2023-06-12

Made for the 20 Second Game Jam. See the game's submission page!

Use your oddly jar-shaped mallet to fling Tomorrow toward the end of the level and whack Krikz the robot before the timer runs out! There are 5 optional sandwiches to collect throughout the stage.

Mastering the controls and learning the level layout will be essential to completing it in time, especially so if you wish to collect all of the sandwiches as well.

To make the game more accessible, there is an alternative mode with timer pickups scattered through the stage, and another with no time limit at all. Though, these modes do go against the jam's limitation, hence being optional. Think of them as "exploration aids" to help you learn the stage and determine a route through with a more relaxed time limit, while you attempt to reach the under 20 seconds mark.

The player character, Tomorrow, is mad at Krikz the robot and needs to whack him on the head to calm down before the rage consumes her.