
Published 2023-06-12

After Marsho lent his game to a friend awhile back, Mo won't give it back now!
It's up to you find the Warp Stars and take it back even if force is needed.

Press Left & Right to walk.
Press Z to do a jump.
You can pickup and throw Items with X.

Coins are used as lives, The more you die the more you'll lose.
Kitakits around the world will sell you items for coins as well.

Down is used for dropping through semisolids, as well as dropping items.
Up to interact.

Thanks for playing my game!
I've been working on it for years at this point and finally feel relieved to publish it.
I'm aware that there's some jank and odd ends but I feel like I learned a lot making it.
This is a sequel to my other game Coindash.
Let me know what your scores or best times are and thanks again!
- Smelly

- Fixed Door pointer in ちいさなもり.
- Mushprings no longer release spores when killed.
- Gunner's bullets don't last quite as long.
- Henchmos are more tame and don't shoot.
- Mo's spawnpool doesn't contain Tubby.
- Mo's Lair respawn changed and coins added.

- Fixed map data not containing v1.1 changes