Pico Garden 1.3


Pico Garden is a slow-play, low interaction, screen-saver game.
It features a garden that evolves based on Conway's Game of Life.
There is some additional randomness and (minimal) player interaction.
It is a game for dreamers, grinders, slackers and thinkers.

The latest version adds an adaptive, evolving music track.

You do not have to do anything. Your garden will grow by itself.
However, you can occasionally tend your garden if you want to.
If you time this carefully, this will revitalise it so you can enjoy it for longer.

You can use the up and down keys to speed-up and slow-down time.
You can use the left and right keys to change the view.
There's even a fancy plot that shows how well your garden is doing.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy your garden.

My brother created the music. The sound track channels can be freely mixed to create 624 unique patterns.
In order to maximise performance, the Game of Life rules are implemented by performing bitwise operations. This is heavily inspired by rilden's Game of Life.
The game also uses Felice's 32-bit integer to string conversion code.