Tetris Thrice 2

Publicado 2010-05-18

Nest feature:
- Able to play the game with the mouse and some more!!
Playing Tetris with the mouse is pretty easy: you will see in my next version!! I know it because I already made this feature. Playing Tetris with a mouse is very cool. I need to update some more things before submetting the next version.

- You can see the shadow of your blocks at the bottom. (Where your block will freeze in the grid.)
- In the 3 grids mode, you can select the height of the red line. (Having more time to select a grid or more spaces for your blocks in the grid.)
- Better control for rotating your block.


The game is same as the classic Tetris, but in this one, you play with 3 grids instead of one. Before your block reach the red line, you can select the grid you want to put the block in.

You can do combos and keep any next block for later use.

Left, right and down arrows or [A] [S] [D] > Move your block left, right or down faster.
Up arrow or [W] > switch the keeped block with the next one.
Numpad 0 or space } flip the block.
Enter > Pause the game and give access to sound options.
[Tetris Thrice only]: Numpad 1, 2 and 3 or [Q] [E] > Change grid.

In options: you can choice from 3 musics, enable or disable sounds or music.
You can choice wich level you want to start, from level 1 to level 10.
In the 3 grids mode, you can select the height of the red line.