Love Dating Sim 2


This is not a hentai game, this is not a free game, do not distribute it to other sites, especially hentai sites or adsense sites~

If you can't date or interact with a character, it may be because U DIDN'T BUY A BIKINI or wear makeup before the DATE!

Love dating sim, romantic dating sim, Nummyz Productions dating sim 2... Please show your support by clicking submit to collections to dating sim collections.

Thank you for the wait and support, you've been very kind. This game is completely drawn in Flash with a mouse and my arthritic finger; I was hoping for sponsorship though I don't think this game is up to par and I didn't want my few fans to wait any longer. My next game is one dedicated to Newgrounds, it'll be dark, sad, and very sexy. For now, my game is still innocent, romantic, and dedicated to girl gamers. This game is difficult and longer, so a walkthrough will be up for purchase in this week.

Please tell me of all the glitches u find. Thank you! I need to find a programmer flash partner who knows actionscript, so give me a pm! Love y'all! :)

Can u find the easter eggs and the hidden naughty scenes? *haha* ALso Garrick's version is not complete yet!

this game is copyright Kathleen Lieu and