Battle Raven


Battle Raven introduces the story of a fresh grad of the Battle Raven Mercenary Academy (BRMA). The groups origins are not revealed yet, they are only known to have left their home planet in a hurry.
In need for fresh meat and resources the high officials decided it is better to feed less mouths and focus more on potential.
In their quest for riches and technological advancements the Ravens stumble upon the prefect opportunity. A once large empire is defending it's last ground against the Borgon Invasion. The Ravens agree to help them in battle and here's where you come to sort things out.

Please don't rate unless you pass level 7... I know the good players will find it way too easy in the beginning but hey!!! I also got "this is too hard for feedback". It's hard to please everyone.

Looks like no one wants me... stick with the w/e else. I simply tried to bring some decency in the Shooters section but it seems like this site has already enough or simple don't need any.

God Bless.