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LoFi LaMar

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LoFi LaMarの説明

👌Lo-fi wraps you in predictable, soft sound, protecting your thinking from the unpredictable and harsh outside world. That helps you relax and focus.
👌It's neither so boring you forget it entirely, nor so interesting it distracts you from your work. Instead, it gives your brain just enough stimulation to tune out stress and be productive

👉Yes, lo-fi music can help you study, as it specifically triggers an enjoyable response. When we are in a pleasurable situation, this causes the release of Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that elicits a focused response. Dopamine is responsible for enhancing alertness, motivation, focus and happiness.
👉Additionally, the productive act of studying can further improve one’s mental state, as you experience improvements in your work progress. The cycle of happiness, Dopamine production, and increased focus all play a part in improving one’s study habits.

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