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I am fully convinced that God will have all kinds of Grace if we got the theology thing wrong. I’m not entirely sure how God will take it if we got the loving other people, seeking justice, and choosing mercy part of life wrong.

Truth about life: If you act like a bigot, expect bigotry. If you act as a racist, expect racism. If you act in hate, expect hate in return. In the universe, you receive what you put out, literally in *everything* you do, say, think, express in any way. If your parents didn’t teach you those simple things, you now know (and shame on your parents, but it is what it is). Learn to love unconditionally and you get unconditional love. Learn to be respectful, you will be respected, honorable and you’ll be honored, caring and you’ll be cared for. And if you learn to *be* more, and in turn the universe gives you more. These things are common sense.

Don’t assume my race or my religion (or my gender by my handle).

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