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seliotofconjugtion **

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Información sobre seliotofconjugtion **

The Société internationale forestière et minière du Congo (French; literally the "International Forestry and Mining Company of the Congo"), known as Forminière, was a lumber and mining company in the Belgian Congo (modern-day Democratic Republic of the Congo). Founded by Jean Jadot in 1906, the company began diamond mining in Kasai in 1913. At its height, Forminière was involved in gold and silver mining, cotton, palm and rubber cultivation, farming, sawmilling and even owned shops. The Belgian colonial state co-owned 50 percent of the company's capital, the rest being held largely by American shareholders.

For the length of its existence, from 1913 to 1961, Forminière had a monopoly on diamond production in Kasai.[1]

Forminière and its rival, the Société minière de Beceka (Mibeka), later changed to "de Bakwanga" (MIBA), dominated the pro i am now in amici Latinae docere moveo semper fidelis est ursarum est est gens civum est aspera

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