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Fauler Perfektionist

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Información sobre Fauler Perfektionist

on religion:

Natural disaster and disease exist because God is either unable or unwilling to prevent them. If He's unable, then there are limits to His abilities which means he's not the god of the Bible or the Quran. If He's unwilling, then there are limits to His love, which likewise means He's not the one from the Bible or the Quran.

Atheism is NOT communism, socialism, statism, god hate, or the belief that everything just appeared. If you want to disagree with a position, have the honesty to make your disagreement with something IT ACTUALLY SAYS!!!

on politics:

"People with billions of dollars are not hiring because they don't have enough money."
"Corporations are unable to innovate when there are regulations preventing them from abusing their employees."

The problems with these should be obvious.

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