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Hello YouTubers, it's your good friend viddykiddy18 here. With playlists for game shows, other TV shows, women, and favorites of any kind. Enjoy!

May I have your attention please? YouTubers, this is not a suggestion to leave YouTube. This is a friendly video sharing site that's been around for a few years now. My suggestion is that all you YouTubers who wish to upload classic cartoons and/or television shows that are in danger of being taken down due to ratty copyright laws, let me tell you that there are other video sharing sites besides YouTube where you can post them. Again, this is not a suggestion to leave YouTube, this is a suggestion for backup purposes. Thank You!

Now don't let YouTube's new layout get you peeved too much. Most of us YouTubers have been around YouTube longer than you think, and we shall never leave; take a timeout maybe, but leave this popular video sharing site... NEVER!

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