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Información sobre JMTB

Hello i like play fun game call defend the battlements as a team: the sequel. I also like to play tf2 classic, but i admit it is utter shit compared to badwater basin and upward pl (the best gamemode) also koth is ok but ctf is trash.

"Science = The want to have them be the thing that once was the case to be so and that you can have wasn’t I need to pee really badly and I don’t know where my toilet went after I took waay too much LSD and the I green That I have I need to go now where did my girlfreind go I ate some pills then I she she go no she leave she gone now im sad and I need to pee. I saw a street man pass me go by he went ahhh I me go ohhhh and then I feel wonky then I nice blue man came I he nice I like I take off pant I go to bar house my hurt goes ow and I stuck me want need the help."
- Me 2021

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