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Bema Seat Academy

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Información sobre Bema Seat Academy

🌼Edification & Critical Updates ⚠️ For The Watch Community 👀
💎 "Look, his reward is with him; his prize goes before him." Is. 40:10 🏆🥇🌟💖💍😇😭🕊

Need prayer or want to chat? My email is [email protected]

Jesus asked, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" 🌎 🙏

🙌 I hope so! Few are watching eagerly for His return, but we😁 can "assemble together" here on YouTube and "stir one another up to love and good works as we see the Day approaching."

I live for the Bema Seat, when we stand before our awesome King and our whole lives are tried in the Fire of His Glorious Presence,🔥 and what has been done in Him remains

I yearn to learn to live holy before Him. "Come, magnify the Lord with me, amd let us exalt His name together".❤️ 🙏 🙌 ❤️ 🙏If this sounds like you, please join us here 👑👑👑

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