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349,000 subscribers

About Evercore

Hey everyone. Some information for those who don't know - I'm stopping doing nightcore (yes I know, the irony of my channel name) and I'm keeping the nightcores, just won't upload anything. I had a really good experience with this channel, I grew from 0 to however many hundred thousand subscribers I have now.
Mainly because I lost interest, don't listen to nightcore myself, and i'm not getting any profit off of it. It was fun editing videos, but I changed my perspective on the nightcore genre, as for me it is nothing original besides editing videos (effects, animations, etc.)

Thank you all for listening.
Some information about me as a treat - I am a first year college student. I started making nightcore somewhere around 13 because one of my best friends listened to nightcore and introduced me. And since then I got adicted to editing. I never made money of this channel.

*I'm currently uploading on my second channel:

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