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Miche True -A Spoonie Life 4 Me

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About Miche True -A Spoonie Life 4 Me

Sickie Girl- It's A Spoonie Life 4 Me!

My channels about what it's like to live with incurable diseases as a Spoonie. I have a ton of them. My goal, to raise awareness & educate as many people as possible about the life of a Spoonie. It's important to me to help others understand our daily challenges so they can help us with our struggles. It's equally important to me that other Spoonies know they're not alone in whatever fight they're living. My name is Michelle, I love these powerful quotes from 2 people who are not with us yet have touched my life & heart in a profound way. They'll never be forgotten.

The amazing Claire Wineland "Let's Live Life On Purpose" & "Don't Give In Don't Give Up" the inspirational Daniel Thomas (PeeWeeToms). My own mantras "Don't Look Back You're Not Going That Way" & "One Step At A Time". This is but a glimpse into my Spoonie life. Come & join me on my journey because I never know what's going to happen next?

Much love

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