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Wagner Ramos (MIDI Channel / Absolute Infinity)

1,700 subscriptores
0 visualizaciones

Información sobre Wagner Ramos (MIDI Channel / Absolute Infinity)

Welcome to my channel!
I'm Wagner Ramos. (My birthday is 11/04/2007, as well.)
My thoughts in Domino were very cool & the best in the world.
Feel free to support my channel around the platform to help me reach 2K subscribers!
Channel link:
Channel rules:
1: No terminating my channel.
2: No spyscribing to me.
3: No heartspamming me in my notifications.
4: Don't block/report me.
5: No spambots allowed in my videos.
6: Don't insult me.
7: Don't dislike my videos.
8: Don't lose any of my subscribers for me.
9: Don't hack my channel.
10: Don't reupload my videos until I link the URL into the comment section.
If anyone breaks my rules, I'LL GET YOU MASTER-SPAAAAAAAAARKED!!!!!!!!!
Subscriber goals:
1: ✅
3: ✅
5: ✅
10: ✅
15: ✅
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800: ✅
900: ✅
1K: ✅️
1.5K: ❌
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75K: ❌
100K: ❌

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