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PrashanthMuthu MD DipABLM

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Información sobre PrashanthMuthu MD DipABLM

Our body manifests imbalance and injuries as disease and symptoms. Our responsibility is to look inward, understand the root cause, not to just tell the body to shut up & suppress symptoms so that we carry on with endeavors, chores and addictions. Our organs have innate intelligence (biological clock) much smarter than our mind. Our skin, lungs, intestines have a microbiome garden of good bacteria , fungi, that help us keep the balance. You are what you see, think, eat, breathe & what you digest. You practice health everyday and you will feel the reward every day. Just like our professional endeavors and emotional tendencies, our desire to prioritize/ protect our health cannot fall behind. Desires cannot overtake self-duties. Now you know what to choose.

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