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Wendy Allison

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Wendy Allisonの説明

I'm Wendy, welcome to my channel. You won't find anything fancy here. I don't shop for expensive things, I don't have huge pr hauls or crazy giveaways. What I do have is drugstore make up, tips and tricks I have learned about makeup, shoppping hauls and unboxing beauty box subscriptions.

You will also find vlogs with my pets, my husband, my ramblings and anything else that entertains me. Maybe one day when I am rich I'll buy expensive items and do big hauls but until then all you get is me and inexpensive fun.

If you have nothing nice to say keep it to yourself and move along. I am far too old to have to deal with meanness. Been there, done that, over it.
However, if you like my videos please think about subscribing.

Have a fantastic day!

[email protected]

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