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About 奶爸乐园&柬埔寨生活

2021透過YouTube平台創建奶爸樂园,希望能手把手分享以最正確與最快樂的養育宝宝的方式與紀錄寶寶可愛的成長過程,讓新手的奶爸奶媽們也能輕鬆上手帶著可愛的寶寶成長,減少不正確與錯誤的育兒觀念,少走不必的冤妄路,而耽誤了寶寶的成長過程,希望能與大家,一同分享與宝宝一起成長樂趣與甘苦談,都能留下宝宝快樂童年剪輯,送給宝宝當作永遠的珍藏禮物,而我為何要做自媒體,創建這個奶爸樂園頻道,原因其實很簡單,因我已56歲了,應該算是晚年得子,所以我特別珍惜上帝送我的這份遲來的禮物,也因此我更想將我的育兒經驗分享出去,希望可以集結所有的奶爸奶媽們一起來學習與分享寶寶的育兒成長過程,同時也能結交一些好朋友,我會不定期上傳我新的內容分享給大家,一起討論,除了寶寶的育兒經,我也會製作一些我在柬埔寨生活由食衣住行育樂與投資方向的影片,分享給大家, 同時也會穿插一些如投資或個人興趣的剪輯分享給大家,希望能共創一個真正的奶爸樂園討論平台,一起來討論人生的甘苦談
I will upload my new content from time to time to share with you and discuss together. In addition to the baby's parenting experience, I will also make some videos of my life in Cambodia from aspects of food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, investment, etc., and share them with everyone. Interspersed with some fragments of investment or personal interests to share with you, hoping to create a real dad’s paradise discussion platform to discuss the joys and sorrows of life together

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