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Información sobre MorpheusΩne

Seeing no where truly appropriate to post this...I figured why not post this here: I can't barely post comments on YT without them being erased. Other users post comments, sometimes they curse up a storm; sometimes they just use politically incorrect language in general. Their comments do not get erased. Meanwhile, all that I have to do is say hello to someone & it gets erased.

Every. Single. Comment. Is. Under. Threat. From. These. Fascist. Bastards. Here. On. YT.

Other users use names, terms, acronyms, abbreviations, etc., and their comments stay up. Mine constantly get taken down. Posting about this in the YT Community message boards is a pointless waste! I should know because I have already done that. No help or assistance is found there ever. For anything.

You're welcome, Alphabet/Google/YT 👍🖕!

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