mahvel baybee!

Published 2007-12-07
Yipes commentary + kay0ss text = priceless


All Comments (21)
  • @xTheNameisEthan
    I love that some dude randomly yelling shit watching people play Marvel is now a highly respected commentator and member of the FGC lmao
  • @kanstyle
    I still say “IS MAHVEL BAYBEE” on my way to the theater when seeing a new marvel movie
  • @HACHIAttack
    And thus, Deadpool uses the "Mag-freakin-neto, where's your curly mustache at?" quote in UMvC3...
  • @combatrobot1443
    The phrase "Scoops Haagen Dazs" always makes me keel over in laughter for some reason.
  • 10 years ago I commented on this absolute gem. 10 years later, I pay back my respects. Boston rolls over Knicks 104-59, Mag-Fuckin-Neto 😤
  • @megaCK1000
    0:54 Average Knicks fan reacting to loss, 1995 to now (colorized)
  • Its crazy to look back at this video and play mvc2 again, these were custom colors. And these Magneto and Sentinel's colors were added in mvc3, Deadpool saying "Mag-freaking-neto" and "where yo curly mustache at." From Yipes is legendary. It shows how much Capcom poured so much love into MVC3 just for the fans from this video.
  • @JFKHaircut
    i really like the editing going on here. like when he says "make it rain" the text looks rather wet. you just dont get subtleties like that anymore with todays youtube content
  • This could be the first major MLG video, or the ancestor of the MLG videos at least.
  • @brendanb2982
  • @Owliare
    “Where yo curly moustache at?” I just realized that MvC3 references this oml
  • @TunaDMoney
    all these years later and Yipes hasn't changed a bit.
  • @RainUnderscore1
    I'm bored 0:03 - It's mahvel babyee 0:05 - East Coast Baybee Philly Wea U At 0:10 - Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 0:17 - Oh he got da mango sentinel 0:20 - Yoithink of New Yonk Knicks 0:24 - Oh he's so pringles 0:25 - Where yo curleh mustache at 0:28 - Old school 0:30 - Scoops 0:31 - Scoops Häagen-Dazs® 0:35 - Mag-fucking-neto 0:37 - Curleh Mustache 0:42 - Make it Rain! 0:54 - Fuck the Knicks
  • @adachi576
    0:31 That feel when you just opened a tub of Haagen Dasz and yipes says "SCOOPS" "SCOOPS HAGEN DASZ".
  • @formoftherapy
    This became so famous it got included into the new Marvel vs Capcom game. That's win the Internet sir.
  • @ApexGale
    Now that MVC2 is gonna be at EVO 2020 for the first time in years I had to come pay respect to my roots once again
  • @masonpappas2037
    Had no intention of playing this game until I came across this video. This dudes hype for the game is timeless, and honestly, yeah, fuck the knicks. Sublime editing with the newspaper for 2007
  • "It's mahvel baybee" has the same kind of energy as "Let's go Justin"