Liquid Nitrogen Freeze-Ray Vs. Flamethrower

Published 2016-08-02
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OMG im on GoPro! my fire sword!

I made a freeze ray! Im basically a bonafide evil genius now. Freeze your cat, girlfriend, or flowers, the possibilities are endless..! wait no, thats about it. PS before Jeopardy thinks about suing me for using their music, remember who has the freeze ray now! Kevin: 1 - Alex: 0
Some notes about the gun:
There are commercial liquid nitrogen guns used by dermatologists to freeze warts and skin cancer off. The guy that sells me liquid nitrogen was telling me about them. he says they have a pressure release valve that keeps the pressure at around 70psi. The problem is its hard to make a thermos thats also pressure rated because you have a pressure on the inside of the flask, then a vacuum directly on the other side. They are fragile and expensive. I tried to put a nichrome heating element inside the thermos to increase pressure, but it ended up not working that great. shaking the thermos made way more pressure!

All Comments (21)
  • @jenjaone
    The liquid nitrogen deprives the fire of oxygen
  • @123jakestheman
    BYS: “Its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.” FBI OPEN UP
  • @Andrew_Warden
    So X-Men 3 wasn't kidding when Iceman kicked Pyro's ass. Nice one.
  • @colinfurze
    I was going to do my pyro wrist flamethrower v my ice man liquid nitrogen set up but the pyro system is like 5x more powerful and hair loss was the only result. Good ol standard flower freeze there chap.
  • @koplebob
    PLOT TWIST The fire turns back on, lights him on fire and then R.I.P. Backyard Scientist
  • I hate it when I'm watching videos and my computer spontaneously catches on fire, thanks for clearing that up for me! (:
  • @samratpatel8060
    Now try liquid oxygen vs flamethrower and see the magic 😈
  • @RanBowBoi
    Video Title: Freeze Ray Me: Cough Cough fire cough extinersher
  • @Zzznmop
    a struggling scientist with no rich parents couldve used that laptop =[
  • @Wolf179998
    Anyone who puts themselves in front of a flame thrower for a video deserves a lot of subs
  • @barnowl05
    Hey think you can freeze obleck with liquid nitrogen?
  • @ProdByYu
    Omg, when he did the Vape Nation sign 😂😂 \//\
  • @ArdentSM
    3:45 Wonder why like half the country is on fire...