ASMR VLOG 편의점 음식으로 준비하는 홈파티

Published 2020-12-18
Today’s ASMR video is wrapping up the year of 2020 home party VLOG ASMR.
Although we weren’t able to have big celebration due to covid, to look back at this year and prepare for 2021. I invited a friend of mine and to have a party with me! But just because it’s a small party I can’t go easy on preparation, right?
To have end of the year and holiday vibes, I decorated a tree, made a cake and sangria, for the party but I still felt I like was still missing some things.
Also, thanks to 7-Eleven, the video was more wholesome and unique.
Real Strawberry Sandwich, Home party set, Home cheese platter, Half&half Chicken GangJeong were comprised of unique set and flavor! I also thought that the table legs might break heh… In the end the home party was a success!
For next year tho.. I pray that I can enjoy more times with people compared to this year and I hope that I can give you guys some warm vibes to everyone watching this video.

Then I hope you enjoyed today’s video, have a good sleep, sweet dreams and have a nice day!

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