カスタードクリームドーナツの作り方 Custard Cream Donuts(Vanilla & Chocolate)|HidaMari Cooking

Published 2021-06-18
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   / @hidamaricooking  

▷Ingredients(12 donuts):
■Custard cream
3 egg yolks
50g cane sugar
16g cake flour
250ml milk
1/3 vanilla beans

■Chocolate custard
3 egg yolks
45g granulated sugar
16g cake flour
250ml milk
50g sweet chocolate

350g bread flour
150g cake flour
70g granulated sugar
6g salt
6g instant dry yeast
2 egg + milk = 285g
45g unsalted butter

granulated sugar
cocoa powder


All Comments (21)
  • Can we talk about how aesthetically pleasing her cookware is. I've never seen a stove that cute before.
  • @emmas3111
    Does anyone else have that pet peeve about cooking channels never scraping the bowls? This channel has brought me peace on that issue.
  • @YourKarma200
    I love that you didnt waste anything. Scrap everything outta the bowl! ♡
  • @chickend862
    ▷Directions: 1. Make custard cream. Beat 3 egg yolks, add 50 g of cane sugar and mix until whitish and thick. Add 16g of plain flour and mix until the powderiness disappears. 2.Put 250 ml of milk and vanilla beans with seeds removed in a small saucepan and warm until it does not boil. After adding to the egg liquid in (1) and mixing until homogeneous, return to the pot and cook the custard over medium heat. 3. Strain the custard cream with a net to remove the vanilla pods, apply a tight wrap and apply to ice water to remove the coarse heat. 4. Make chocolate custard cream. Finely chop 50g of sweet chocolate. Beat 3 egg yolks, add 45 g of granulated sugar and mix until whitish and thick. Add 16g of plain flour and mix until the powderiness disappears. 5. Put 250ml of milk in a small saucepan, warm it until it does not boil, add the egg liquid in (1) and mix until homogeneous, then return to the pot and cook the custard over medium heat. 6. Add 50 g of chopped sweet chocolate to melt the chocolate and strain the custard cream through a net. Apply adhesive wrap and apply to ice water to remove coarse heat, and when cool, cool in the refrigerator. 7. Mix in a bowl with 350g of strong flour, 150g of plain flour, 70g of granulated sugar, 6g of salt and 6g of instant dry yeast. 8. Add milk to 2 whole eggs, weigh 285g, mix, add to flour and mix. When mixed, put it on a large cutting board and knead until smooth. 9. Add 45g of unsalted butter brought to room temperature and knead until the butter blends. Roll it neatly, put it back in a bowl, wrap it, and let it ferment for about 1 hour until it doubles in size. 10. After fermenting, degasse and divide into 12 equal portions (74-75g), roll lightly and allow 15-20 minutes of bench time. 11. Degassing the dough, shape it into a circle so that the middle is flat, cover with plastic wrap and leave to ferment for 45-60 minutes. 12. Remove the plastic wrap and dry the surface for about 10 minutes. If the dough does not stick even if you stroke it gently with your fingers, fry it in frying oil warmed to 170°C for 2 minutes at a time (4 minutes in total). 13. While the oil is drained and warm, pierce the dough and sprinkle it with granulated sugar (chocolate custard is a mixture of 30 g of granulated sugar and 8 g of cocoa powder). 14. Boil the custard cream and put it in a piping bag, filling it generously with custard cream.
  • @dj_alboe1360
    I watched the entire video even though I knew I wouldn't be making them, because it's so refreshing to have a video that I don't have to skip through the unnecessary chatter, listen to annoying, overpowering background music, and didn't have filler to draw the video out for time. I like the clean, straight to the point, precise nature of this video.
  • @lisahinton9682
    Hida Mari Cooking, you do such exquisite work. Thank you for 1. scraping the bowl of all ingredients, 2. not playing music during the video, 3. not yapping through the whole video, trying to show everyone how hip you are. Your channel truly rocks.
  • 初めて見た日から凄く美味しそうで、ついに今日作って見ました😋薄力粉を計っている最中にデジタル計測器が破損してしまい、途中から目分量になりましたが何とか完成しました!!❤️生地だけでも十分美味しかったですがカスタード入れると倍美味しかったです!😍みんなから大好評でしたのでまた作ります❤️
  • @mmutt3721
  • @chuchien4293
    If you’re planning to make these like me i’ll share you the cup and spoons measurements so you don’t have to! DOUGH -Bread Flour: 2 and 2/3 cup or 2 and 3/4 cup for all purpose flour -Cake Flour: 1 and 1/4 cup u can use all purpose flour instead of bread flour though it will be less fluffy but they will still taste the same and look great! Also, add a tablespoon when it’s sticky, don’t add too much just add untill it looks like the one in the video. -Granulated Sugar: 5tbsp, 2tsp, and 1/4tsp -Salt: 1tsp, and 1/4tsp -Instant dry yeast: 1tsp, and 1/4tsp 2egg + Milk: 3/4 cup (assuming eggs are 45g I’d suggest using a weighing scale through all the ingredients but if you don’t have one these measurements will do!) -unsalted butter: 3tbsp, 1tsp, and 1/4tsp CUSTARD -3eggs -Cane Sugar: 3tbsp, and 1tsp -Cake Flour: 2tbsp, and 1/4tbsp -Milk: 1cup and 4tbsp -Vanila Bean: 1/3 also it’s highly recommended to use vanilla bean but if you don’t have one you can use 1tsp of vanilla extract, and add the extract after it thickens. I hope this helped and I’m sure your donuts will taste and look great Have fun making them! Make sure to follow the instructions so your donuts end up fluffy and soft:D
  • @beckyshock3099
    I grew up in Baltimore, just down the street from a bakery, they had marshmallow filled donuts, and then we moved to WV in 1973, I haven't had one since now I'll use your way and make my own!!!! Thank You for such a great video!
  • @nutube6291
    The sound—when she cut the chocolate—was so nice.
  • 昨日お仕事がお休みだったので作りました😊 カスタードと一緒に、余ってたいちごソースを入れたホイップクリームも入れました。 とっても美味しかったです😋また作ります!!
  • @aminaa5824
    Hi I’ve made these a couple of times now (just the doughnuts not the same filling) and I’ve found that for me, 170 degrees tends to brown them more than I’d like before the timer ends, I’d recommend going between 150 and 160, for me it fully cooked in the 2 minutes was perfectly golden, great recipe
  • @un-mg7pu
    調理する音、お洒落なコンロや食器、パン生地が膨らんでいく様子、丁寧な作業、全て癒しです☺️☺️ これは絶対美味いやつ🍩🍴
  • @4430kiitan
    数は少ないですが、ひだまりさんが生地を捏ねる動画好きです😊 ひだまりさんが丁寧に捏ねることでバラバラでまとまらなかった生地がもっちりキレイに丸まるのがとても気持ちいい✨
  • @kida9527
    How satisfying is it when she gets the clean bowl wipe with the spatula!!!! I am losing my mind!
  • @Teimonger7
    Hearing the sound of ingredients mixing, scraping and cutting are very therapeutic