Dear Rabbit: Stop Threatening 14 Year Olds

Published 2024-05-05

All Comments (21)
  • I mean, the CEO literally says if you read between the lines, “this product could exist as an app, but if we did it as an app, someone else could too, and then we couldn’t force everyone to use us”
  • @WyrdieBeardie
    If we only had some rectangular device, with a camera... No, a camera for forwards and one backwards... With a speaker AND a microphone... Yeah... And a screen... No... No wait... A TOUCHSCREEN!!! And can communicate ✨ wirelessly ✨ With sensors that can detect shaking and stuff... And runs android! Where else are you going to get all that?!
  • @fake172
    "I don't think its worth shaming for using android as a starting point.... because they have soo much other stuff that we can make fun of."
  • @TempoFino
    Remove the scroll wheel and enable the touch screen and it becomes a phone. 2024, start up reinvents the phone.
  • @dstick14
    "Cloud Verification" === "Checking your user agent"
  • @TheLolz404
    I really hope people realize the company that didn't secure their own server endpoints probably is not good at protecting any of the data you are sending it.
  • @blar2112
    If your "device" functionality can be replicated with an app then you dont have a device, you have a gatekeeped app.
  • @slob5041
    Tony Fadell, the inventor of the iPod said in his book that he won't even look at the hardware of a startup until he's convinced it can't be done any other way.
  • @hermitgreenn
    The trend that really bothers me is people treating companies like they're their friends. "Oh it's okay it's their first product, give them some slack". NO. As a customer that bought a product that promises functionality you are in your right to expect that functionality.
  • @mx338
    The same critique would still apply, if they built the Rabbit R1 on top of embedded Linux, or if they built "RabbitOS" from scratch entirely. It could still just be an Android App, there's no reason to create extra e-waste for this.
  • I had the misfortune of working for a manager who was very much like this CEO. He had a background in technical sales and was 'that' kind of salesman... you know the ones who only care about closing a sale... with not a care about whether what they sold is deliverable. Some people seem to constantly be recreating a reality that was good for them and then gaslighting everyone and themselves into believing it. The ones you mean in employment have amazing manipulation skills, seem to be shameless and incapable of learning from their mistakes....pp In the case of my manager, he had got the company to invest millions into an app, putting the business into serious financial problems, for an app that was a wrapper over opensource and barely better than a proof of concept prototype.... the lessons i remembered from this, never work for a manager or a small company owned by someone with a sales background.... And most importantly buy anything from a business that engages in gaslighting marketing techniques like rabbit...
  • @28holes
    After the recent Coffeezilla video exposing the "LAM AI" as just some ChatGPT scripts along with Playwright, an existing non-AI browser scripting tool, this looks even worse on their part. What a disaster.
  • @LWatson
    “Hopping back and forward and suddenly the name rabbit makes sense” 😂😂
  • @SammyForReal
    About the first point. I think that people arent making fun of it because haha "funny crappy android app they are so bad" but because this whole device is useless and easily could have been a paid app in your phone. Especially considering all its weaknesses (like being not performant on this weak hardware), this whole idea of an extra device just seems pointless. Now, you made the example of e.g. your camera also running android. Or the human AI Pin. But for those two, I'd argue it does make sense having an extra device. Because they all have something your phone doesnt. E.g. an extra OP camera with a lens and such or an projector, etc.
  • @Illandren
    I've watched several of these kind of videos, but this is the one that made me cancel my order.
  • @kwisatzsawyer
    I suspect the real reasons for releasing the hardware and not the app is to: 1. Get more money and hype from a physical AI device. 2. Avoid paying 30% of subscriptions / usage fees once they have to pay for their clunky LAM system.
  • @throwaway3227
    Electron is not a good thing. Apps leaking a lot of memory (especially commit size, which is a huge issue on Windows), and separate runtimes with developers of each individual application being responsible for updates, which means that a vulnerability in Electron is a huge issue. This is a problem with browsers too, of course, but they are a lot better at pushing out updates when ACE vulnerabilities are found. This gets extra scary when people write chat applications, where you can push exploits without user interaction, and use Electron. /IT security specialist who is stuck on Windows and sick of having to pay for RAM sticks, just to literally be idle for "committed memory"
  • @adamsavard535
    CEO seems like they don't actually understand the tech and all they want is some sort of patent/to sell to some other company.