Psyker Power Levels (Warhammer 40k Lore)

Published 2023-11-11

All Comments (21)
  • @beastalchemistVA
    To everyone commenting about the levels after Alpha Plus, I know that they exist. And I understand how it is inaccurate in other ways. But the comic was written as it is, I can't change that. I just wanted to dub it.
  • @KillerOrca
    And of course theres the OTHER side of it, the "Null" scale, where you start to get people who are "anti-psykers", ranging in capability from slightly lesser than most people to the afformentioned Culexus assasins, who are immune to psyker powers and whos mere presence can cause pain and anguish even among normal people.
  • @54lolman
    I think I remember an official short story of 40k concerning an Alpha Plus pysker. It was a child on a black ship, sent to be sacrificed to the Emperor, and completely misidentified due to the child's powers not fully awakening. However, enroute in their cell, their power awakened. In the span of less than a nano-second the child with their sudden immense power, managed to teleport the black ship into multiple different locations across the galaxy. The child's power kept growing and growing into unfathomable measures! Until the child suddenly became aware, and saw before them the four chaos gods watching, each immediately vying to claim the child's soul. The child, realizing the horror that laid before them, made the ultimate sacrifice and committed suicide as the ship was returned to its original point. This all happened in less than 8 seconds if I remember correctly. So fast, that no one on the ship even noticed anything had happen.
  • @MrReich1918
    Both Malcador and Magnus are canonically alpha plus. And fairly sane in their own rights. As well as considering Magnus and The Emperors unusual soul situation. I would argue that Malcador is the only purestrain human in known history to be a stable individual.
  • @ethangnasher3848
    "Throughout space and the immaterium, I am the honorable one" -The low-level psyker that somehow grew into an Alpha plus, Daemon Prince slayer.
  • @zoneoperator
    Important reminder: Even low power Psykers can be very difficult to kill with their connection to the immaterial plane repairing wounds and sometimes even reviving them from a fatal blow. That's why its usually standard procedure to double tap psykers...and then triple tap them by reducing their physical remains to ash or plasma goo.
  • @vilwind3522
    I always wanted to write a Warhammer 40k story of twins ... one of them alpha psyker and the other a Null ... Power of the Alpha suppressed by his Null sibling from womb. The alpha develops this way a natural ability to shot his mind from the warp. Though out his life his abilities surface slowly attracting both attentive eye of the Inquisition and Chaos Cults. Two siblings against the universe ... Something like a WH40k Gravity Falls ...
  • @deltarno7502
    Love the video. Fun fact, sometimes an Alpha Psyker is employed by the imperium of man. How would be mad enough to try? Why radical inquisitors, of course. Although in a lot of cases, if a child is shown (and captured) early enough, they might be sent to the grey knights for testing.
  • If I recall correctly guillymen contacted the emperors mind and found his mind to be completely alien to any humans mind and by comparison he is completely insane
  • @red_ruby4881
    I can't stop giggling at the thought of a demon being literally blinded by light of a alpha plus psyker's soul. It's probably like staring at the sun point blank, second only to sticking your face directly into astronomicon ray
  • @ShadaOfAllThings
    "They are never employed by the Imperium" knowingly is a good caveat to add to that.
  • @jesusojeda7850
    Malcador was very close to the Emperor as a psyker, the only thing that stoped him from going to the same level being his mortal body- he was able to hold the golden throne until his body gave up and even had the strength to give some hope (and depending on the version, even gave the power he had left) to the Emperor.
  • So the psyker in darktide is a zeta,epsilon or a delta,gamma because he can conjure barier, flame, electricity, push, brainburs, voidstrike and he even has telekinesis. Now idk if this is a diffrent matter or just gameplay friendly, in my pov he can do all of them.
  • @Razzy-sr4oq
    One of my favorite fanfics/Vox in the Void stories is "Field Test." A Krieger is created with a flaw, producing a Beta level psyker. He's about 15 years old. And routed an army.
  • @YourBoyNobody530
    Personally, I think there are plenty more stable Alpha plus Psykers they just don't involve themselves with the ongoings of the galaxy, and are neigh impossible to find unless they want to be. They likely see themselves as above the situation in the galaxy, and likely care little for their fellow man acting as they see fit whenever they see fit.
  • @spamhere1123
    This was very good! One small thing I would have liked to have seen is examples in established characters. Like, what level is Ahzek Ahriman? Varro Tigurius? Malcador? Various psychic inquisitors? Being able to put names and actions to the levels would have been awesome.
  • It's always fascinating to try and put the events that a very low level psyker into perspective, they might be a normal factory worker that his colleagues know is simply good at the local gambling den and who should have his sleeves checked between rounds.
  • Malcador would dispute the claim that the Emperor is the only ever stable alpha plus psyker.
  • @ironduke5058
    This was really informative, I wasn't too knowledgeable of psyker power levels. Both your voice acting was amazing, great video!
  • @nathanlane1783
    Audio tip: For creating an otherworldly sound through overdubbing (like I you did on the alpha-plus psyker), overdub more takes of the same voices and hard pan them in different directions. Three on the Left and Three on the right is probably enough. It also becomes less important to nail the timing exactly as you add more voices since it becomes less or a duo and more of a choir. You can also get a variety in that choir with just one voice but by changing your tone, pitch or distance from the the microphone. Nice effects!