How Does Earth Breathe?

Published 2023-01-03
Have you ever stopped to consider that the Earth we call home might be more than just a rocky, terrestrial planet? Some scientists and philosophers have proposed that the Earth is a living being in its own right, with its own consciousness and agency. This idea, known as geobiocentrism, challenges traditional views of the Earth as a passive, inanimate object and instead sees it as a self-regulating, interconnected system.

But is it really possible for a planet to be alive? And if so, what implications would that have for our understanding of the natural world and our place in it? These are just a few of the fascinating questions that we might consider as we delve into the idea of a living Earth.

At the beginning, let's ask and consider 'What is a living being?' A living being is an organism that exhibits the characteristic properties of life, such as growth, metabolism, response to stimuli, reproduction, and adaptation to their environment. Living beings can be single-celled or multicellular and can be found in all known environments on Earth. Examples of living
beings include animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms. All living beings are composed of cells, which are the basic units of life. They also maintain homeostasis, a state of balance within their internal environment, and they respond to stimuli in their environment through
various processes.

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