Why Does No One Buy Knight's Vow?!-League of Legends Item Guide

Published 2022-05-01

All Comments (15)
  • @robertg.2111
    I use it often on Maokai. Link yourself to a fed Kayle and just jump in the other team, peel as needed, it's amazing.
  • @DanixameG
    As a jungler main and bruiser/tank enjoyer I'm gonna give this a try and see! Might be a worth buy for those mid-late game skirmishes when your carry is getting blasted hehe
  • @withaustn3463
    you are very underrated bro keep posting if you like doing it
  • @kolinaspronok
    i play a lot of braum. It and zeke's are 2 of my favourite items in the game for how you use them. 1 protects, the carry, while the other enhances the carry.
  • @pianospeedrun
    20 ability haste now. I use it as zac jgl, third item. Link it to the strongest carry of you team (there's always gonna be at least ONE guy that's doing OK that you wanna roam with). You'll be able to turn around some clutch fights. 20% dmg reduction while your ally is sub 30% hp is huge, and it stacks well if your ally has runes that increase dmg or healing sub 30%hp. With the new chemtech drake I'd argue it's even better. I love this item. It does delay my Gargoyle but it's so good... Also has the potential to be extremely usefull in poke wars, tho there hasn't been a poke meta in a while. You tank the skillshots, and get healed by your ally's retaliations + the health regen. Just a versatile item that's super easy to build and get value from.
  • @AchiGouri
    I tend to buy Zeke's with a ranged bot and knights vow with someone like yasuo who might hard commit often. It's been working for me and it helps in poke battles too. I've liked using it with nami/yasuo or yuumi/close range adc
  • @shadowpremium218
    i buy knigh's vow on yuumi 3rd item 1st moonstone and 2nd mikels blessing it is amazing
  • @Daafioo
    Broo ur voice is so fucking nice to listen to :)
  • Was thinking about that item how and when it should be used, I used it on Garen today and it works on him actually
  • Bought this as last item Mundo. My veigo was cracked and carrying the rest of the team pretty hard. I put this on him and my hp didnt even go down due to how much regen i had at this point and he was so tanky
  • @kraftyevan
    i've been building knights vow second on every tank support, especially when we have a carry, its crazy good