Fly - Jason Upton and an Angel - HD

Published 2011-04-11

Jason Upton and his band were engaged in concert/worship at a college auditorium in Alexandria, Louisiana, when a God incidence miraculously happen while Jason was totally consumed by the Holy Spirit, as so often he is. I'll summarize the testimony of Michael, a band member, below that I heard and watched on a video of his testimony on youtube:

Michael, one of Jason's band members, was checking the sound tract equipment recording the concert, when he looked up at the ceiling and saw fog floating around. He figured it was the condenser in the air conditioner creating it. He turned around and asked the janitor what the stuff is floating around the ceiling. The janitor didn't know and stated that there are no pipes up there. A Holy fear came over Michael and immediately lead him to hide under the soundboard. He felt so much God that he knew something was going to come through. All of a sudden, a boy came to Michael while Mike was under the soundboard and, in a very loud voice, told Michael that there was a 12 foot angel with wings on the stage standing directly behind Jason. As I understand it, only the boy could see the angelic apparition. Mind you, also, that Michael or the band members were not singing, as one was under the soundboard and the other was on stage, but not singing himself. Jason was singing the prophecy the Holy Spirit was giving him, and thus, the gathering was not singing, as well.

Michael came out from under the soundboard and looked at the recorder and it was clearly recording the vocal harmony, but only Jason was heard to be singing some words on stage that made no sense --"ahda daah (sp) (these words, however, did not come out on the segment played on the least I can't hear them...I tend to be a little deaf, LOL) . Michael said to himself that if the harmony is on the recording when he plays it back, he was going to come out of his skin! He then look up at Jason and Jason's eyes were rolled back into his eye sockets, while teetering back and forth and totally caught up by the Spirit".

After the concert/worship, Jason and Michael went back to the dorm for the evening, as Michael roomed with Jason. Jason, still feeling "in the Spirit" said that his body members felt very tingly. Michael said Jason was still high in the Spirit and laid on the bed with his clothing on and fell asleep for the night.

The next morning Michael went back to Nashville and played the recording back. Low and behold, a perfect angelic harmonious voice came through and absolutely floored Michael! The engineer at the studio said he thought it was just a psycho acoustic anomaly and walk away, dismissing Michael's amazement. Mike told the engineer to come back and sort out all the channels, and sure enough, on one of the channels, the engineer said that it sounded like some 12 foot person was singing harmony behind Jason (of course the engineer did not know what he was saying at the time when he made the "12 foot" comment). Michael said to the engineer, "I knew it was an angel", laughing for Joy! Furthermore, come to find out, via later emails, "ahda daah' (sp) was the Malawi language for "Come to the Table"!

All Comments (21)
  • @JasmineBliss
    My mom was not a believer yet and when I was worshipping God in my room aloud, she came into my room. She told me she heard many voices singing but I was the only one singing in my room.
  • Im 8 months pregnant and my baby kicked the whole time I listened… ❤️🙏🏽 Even in the womb the baby praises our Heavenly Father
  • @cttofl8822
    I’m happy I’m not the only Christian in the world knowing we all go through similar struggles. I love you all, family. We will meet in heaven.
  • @lcccare5890
    I was suffering with tinnitus. At the end of the song GOD GAVE ME HIS HOLY SPIRIT. I saw jesus and he touched me. I WAS HEALED. GOD IS GREAT.
  • @itsme-nq2le
    God brought this song to me at the darkest part of my life. I just lost my dad, my mom and my Marriage all at the same time. I was literally on the verge of suicide. I felt like there was no reason for me to live. I lost my car, my house, literally everything! The pain OMG the pain of losing everything. I couldn't get out of bed, eat or even teach my children. I had no one. I wasn't from church or had any concept of who God was. I didn't even know how to pray. I remember searching the internet for heavenly songs and stumbled upon this one. This song did something to me, I dropped to my knees and cried out to God. I didn't know what to say but HELP ME JESUS!!! when I tell you that he meet me right there omg, his presence over took my whole body. I was saved and delivered that day. Thank you for uploading this song. My spirit needed this. I pray that God continue to heal and walk with me. Sorry I mean I walk with him. I ESCAPED THE SNARE OF THE ENEMY! Keep me in your prayers family. Its July 2022 and this song is still saving ppl
  • To anyone who is listening this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you're constantly stressing about gets better.May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and doubt exit your mind right now.May you receive peace and blessings.Amen🙏🏽
  • Idk if any of you other Christians can relate, but I've been feeling something lately that I can only discribe as a "homesickness" for a place we've never been... Hearing them makes me feel that much closer to home, you can't help but cry when you feel peace from your world-weary flesh even just for a few minutes❤
  • @Julia-oi7uk
    If someone reads this can u please pray for me? I’ve been having the hardest spiritual battle for the longest time and have been asking for something for my whole life and it still hasn’t gone away. So please keep me in your prayers. It’s 3am and God brought me here for a reason. God bless you all!❤️
  • @HisVocalist
    Was badly throwing up, felt so much pain and literally couldn't take a sip of water without throwing up. .Then I prayed for a little while with this song.I was healed. No more pain.Jesus is real guys. As real as real can be.
  • @jeffporter5935
    I am a miracle. God spared my life from a massive stroke 12-01-23. There is NO residual effect from this stroke. Today 6-11-24, I was talking to my doctor about overcoming clostrophobia while in the MRI during that stroke. I overcame this issue by praying for friends and family. In fact, 45 minutes turned into 30 seconds. Today, six months later when I told my doctor this, she said... "Ashley's tumor is shrinking right now"! I never told her about a friend named Ashley who has an inoperable brain tumor. I began to weep and praise Yeshua Jesus, and the doctor did as well. She said, now you pray, right now and give God all glory, honor and praise! Do YOU understand what I just said? Brothers and sisters, we live in a spiritual world. There are angels and demons all around; even at concerts. There is a God, and there is a devil. It's 100% real. Give yourself to Him right now! Ask Him to rule in and over your life, completely! Do it now! He is waiting just for you. Amen!
  • @Noelmarcus
    This video is 13.09 minutes long. While listening, I felt going to read Matthew 13:09. It says: Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
  • I’m currently in the hospital where my cancer has been removed and was in pain for it woke me screaming with this back pain and I prayed and heard this song! My pain is gone … 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • @ozmaorigrl
    When I was young, I used to hear angels singing in church… I thought everyone could hear it. Then I got into music and started singing as I got older, and also thought that this was a normal sound while singing. I wasn’t in church, but certain songs I could ‘hear’ like a orchestra of voices when I was singing professionally. Apparently it wasn’t ‘normal’.. I always thought it was. When I heard this song, I was like, ‘that’s the sound I hear all the time when I sing!!’ … thank you for sharing x
  • @abigbang5971
    fun fact this song was recorded live and there was only ever one person on a mic all the harmony you hear is from angles and even a 5 year old kid said to one of the producers said he saw a 12 foot tall angle singing beautifully behind him
  • Im 15 years old, and i have 3 bestfriends that i love to death. I just got involved with weed and smoking and drinking. I was at church at youth group and we played this song for alter call. I instantly recieved the holy ghost and was set free of my addictions. God is great!
  • I played this song on my TV when we had a visitor , he began manifesting demons , we did deliverance right then and there ❤, this young man got set free ! Hallelujah!
  • @cheygirl78
    TikTok brought me here. Felt chills & teared up a little. At the end I thought I heard the angel say, “yanai” which means “He will answer” in Aramaic 🙏🏽