July 13th events and beyond

Published 2024-07-14
All readings are for entertainment and spiritual purposes only. Please note I do a variety of readings on this channel including astrology, mediumship, psychic predictions and political tarot.

I do not do personal readings at this time.

I support the pro democracy movement.

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All readings are intuitive and come through my connection with Spirit…Card interpretations are my own and are based on my clairvoyance and intuition and the totality of the messages I am receiving at the time of the reading, clairvoyance, Clair sentience and Clair audience.

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All Comments (21)
  • Note: it should be noted that the Demo Ranch t shirt worn by the shooter was merchandise from a conservative gun channel only and that channel has since come out and disavowed gun violence. Obviously and it goes without saying that this channel was in no way responsible for the shooting, nor associated with it. Unimpeded gun ownership without restriction is a right wing/conservative policy and push, gun reform is a liberal policy, hence the use of the word ‘right wing’ to describe the t-shirt. Recently the owner of Demo Ranch has spoken out saying he would never condone or encourage violence, nor does he demonstrate political affiliation in his videos. It should also be noted that he was clear on X last year on his endorsement of a Second Amendment absolutionist and hard right winger’s recent (unsuccessful) run in the Republican primary to unseat Texas GOP Rep Tony Gonzales and committed his ‘demolitia’ to being right behind the candidate. You can read the youtuber’s statements against gun violence here. www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-rally-shooter-thomas-ma… Perhaps we can agree that these types of videos about testing sniper rifles etc, and the many videos and photos of adults and kids armed up on other channels and in the media generally, and the rank promotion of guns, as well as the irresponsible political push for no gun limits or reform, is perhaps not realistic and has consequences.
  • @k.a.4522
    I heard that 42% of American voters haven't heard of Project 2025 , I think we sane Americans need to help inform them.
  • Sorry but I don't trust Trump. I'm more inclined to think he will use this as an excuse to blame Biden and the Dems.
  • May God protect President Biden and his family. White light of protection with them. ❤
  • @lindalb9519
    He has not learned a darn thing - he will double down, with anger, vengeance and nonsense - because he KNOWS he is A LOSER!
  • I pray to God that 45 is never re-elected. He is a menace. Thank you to beautiful, healing teacher.
  • Trump should have gone to the hospital to visit the injured today instead of playing golf in Bedminster…Also he should start and fund a go fund me page for the victim who died and his family as well as the victims injured at the rally. He’s too self centered to think about others than himself.
  • @kiki19822
    Trump is the worst thing that has ever happened to our Country. President Biden is the best, working so hard for us everyday 💙
  • The fact that Trump is golfing, and yet haven't heard a word about him contacting the family of the heroic firefighter father who was killed, or visiting the hospital where two other people who got badly hurt are getting treatment, should tell every maga and everyone at that rally how Trump really feels about them. He probably hasn't even given that a thought. Instead, he's planning on how he can fund raise from the very people who are still traumatized from the event. He is a very sick man. Very sick.
  • Trump will not change! He will be the same way on Monday! God gave him a pass ! You can't speak hate and expect it not to come back to you !
  • @LaniAnne402
    President Biden spent time today trying to calm everyone. He is a class act and our best leader to move forward. VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🫶🏻🗽
  • I can’t imagine taking my children to such a hate fest. Bad parenting!
  • @Needabreak365
    I’m so disgusted with the right wing blaming Biden and the left, while the left is condemning it. Drives me insane Mike J said Biden’s rhetoric caused this, as if Trump says nothing. It’s all heartbreaking, but not shocking.
  • My prayers are with the Gentleman's family who lost his life and those who were critically injured.
  • @bluebook709
    He is a narcissist, he will lash out and double down in order to regain control.
  • I will now only listen MeidasTouch and other fact finding media. The New York Times has had so many subscribers canceling due to the media far right subport to Trump.
  • It seems the poor kid tried to take out the king of bullies.
  • @barbj9785
    May there be peace in America. Let our voices be heard at the ballot box in November.
  • @pammf9391
    When this all happened— you heard him constantly ask about his shoes— NOT ask if anyone else was hurt— then he had to pump his fist and mouthed FIGHT— and not mouth PEACE and use the sign✌️— Sadly Trump has no desire to change— he sees nothing wrong with him