Salon@615-Elizabeth Gilbert with Ann Patchett

Published 2017-11-28
Salon@615 presents bestselling authors free to the public through a unique partnership between Nashville Public Library, Humanities Tennessee, Parnassus Books, BookPage and the Nashville Public Library Foundation. Together, we nurture and celebrate the literary life of Nashville by presenting author talks and book signings to our community.

All Comments (21)
  • "What are you willing to give up to have what you keep pretending you want?"
  • @modusponens1094
    I love how they open each other's waters when they're talking to avoid the interruption.
  • @adrianaorj
    you are both amazing, so raw and so goooood
  • 17:25 • “The long running television series that is the inside of my mind is a pretty interesting show to watch happen. I can really scare myself with it sometimes…My mind can be a dangerous neighborhood to walk in alone at night. It can be a scary movie, it can be a fun movie, but the movie is always going.”
  • @AnnaMishel
    Difference between creativity and problem solving.
  • @weslytz
    When was this??? Why was I not there 😭
  • I wish people would get their publicity shots out of the way before the speakers are speaking, it's highly distracting, I really found it annoying that camera popping up every 5 minutes and the constant flashes, got damn it! irritating... that being said I found this very, very powerful, enriching, and an extraordinary, refreshingly open talk, the diamond for me was Elizabeth talking about finding 'what I am for' 🌠
  • @AnnaMishel
    You want something to work on . . . i.e., A challenge.
  • @juliet3827
    To be honest, I've always found Elizabeth Gilbert a little bit disingenuous. She's a highly talented writer, but … is she even honest with herself?