10 Critical Signs that Indicates Your Dog is Dying

Published 2022-02-13
Losing a dog would probably be the worst nightmare come to life for many pet owners.
In this video, we will talk about 10 critical signs that indicate your dog is going to die.

00:00 - Introduction
00:28 - Signs Your Dog is Dying
6:29 - Saying Farewell

Dogs often lose control of their bladder or bowls as they age.
Some dogs may poop or pee in their sleep, while others may dribble urine as they walk without seeming to notice. Loss of bladder or bowl control can be upsetting for our canines because they naturally don't want to soil the house.
Your dog doesn’t want to go outside
As a dog nears death, they will become less mobile. Their legs may start giving out and the pooch may even stop wanting to go out for walks.
It will gradually progress to not being able to jump on the couch, struggling with stairs or slippery floors, and having trouble getting up after a nap.
You can help your canine by making sure their water and food bowls are easily accessible.
Loss of Interest
When a dog nears the end of their lifespan, they can begin to lose interest in the world around them, and they may stop caring about the things they normally busied themselves with.
Their favorite toys will gather dust, and they may no longer have the energy to jump up to greet you at the door, or wag their tail when you tease them with a favorite toy. This is because your dog is likely to feel more tired than usual, and it may also be painful for them to move around too much.
Social Detachment
Some dogs may become clingier when they near the end of their lifespan.
However, most dogs seek out solitude and separate themselves from the family instead of seeking comfort. They may hide somewhere, or move to a secluded corner of your home, and seem way less social than usual.
In fact, it isn’t uncommon for dogs to go under beds before they die and hide there.
Odd Breathing
When a dog is very close to death, their normal bodily functions may begin to shut down. This can cause them to breathe in an odd way.
Your dog’s breathing may be very fast or very slow. They may also simply have to work hard to move air in and out. They may breathe heavier or deeper than usual. More often than not, this is one of the last signs that develops when a dog is dying.
Right before their death, dogs will exhale one last big breath.
Loss of Appetite
Lack of appetite is common at the end of life. Your dog may start eating less and may have a hard time finishing their daily portion. A reduced appetite may also be a consequence of certain cancer treatments or terminal illnesses.

Healthy dogs want nothing more than some yummy treats. But when a dog nears the end of their lifespan, even the tastiest treat won't be interesting to them.
This is because their organs are starting to shut down, and your pet doesn't feel the need to drink or eat.
Weight Loss
As a consequence of not eating enough, you will notice a decrease in your dog's weight. But weight loss can also be commonly seen in senior dogs, and it will start well before the end of life. This is because as dogs get older, their body becomes less efficient at digesting protein.
Drastic weight loss can also be indication that your dog is suffering from cancer.
Behavioral Changes
As you might expect, your beloved pet probably isn’t feeling their best in the end of their lifespan. They could be in pain, sick, uncomfortable, and going through a lot of changes all at once. This can lead to them behaving differently, becoming irritable, growling or snapping at you when they would never do that before. Just like people get cranky when they are in pain, your canine will have the same reaction.
Reduced Body Temperature
As things progress and death inevitably approaches, your dog’s body cools down and they lose the ability to control their own body temperature. Owners often notice cold paws and cooler breath.
Their Gums Change Color
If your dog’s organs are no longer functioning properly, their gums may change color.
Blue gums can indicate that there’s not enough oxygen in a dog’s blood.
Bright red gums can be a sign of heatstroke. White or pale gums can be a sign of blood loss. However, each of these colors could also be a sign that a dog is close to death.
As your dog is preparing to cross the rainbow bridge, the time you have left with them is as precious as it is limited.
It's important to remember that if the dog is suffering from a lot of pain, assessing the option of euthanasia is humane.
If your dog hates going to the vet, look into at-home pet euthanasia services to provide a peaceful end-of-life experience for your beloved pooch.
Another tough decision is what to do with the body of the animal. Some owners make arrangements for their dog's cremation or burial.
Many vet clinics or animal funeral homes offer these services.
Alternatively, if you want to keep your dog close to your home, as well as your heart, you can choose to bury them in your own property or backyard.

All Comments (21)
  • @sarak5562
    My dog lived to 18. We knew he wasn’t doing well and that The end was near. I woke up in the middle of the night and found him under my bed which he never did before. I put him back in bed with me and within an hour or two he laid next to me and passed. They deserve to live longer than most humans.
  • @rubytuesday9881
    The pain is like a kick in the gut that never goes away...losing a beloved, best friend is truly devastating.
  • My yorkie is beside me now and is crossing the rainbow bridge. I would guess within two days if that. Please pray for her to pass swiftly and peacefully. She’s been my companion for 9 years and I have nobody else. She has been the biggest blessing and I’ll never forget her.
  • my black lab was named "shadow" for a reason, he was always just behind me and if I stopped suddenly, would run into me. He lived to 17. I had to put him down due to spinal arthritis as he hurt so much and couldn't hardly walk. Those last few weeks, he stayed away from me and slept in the back room. I had put down a memory foam mattress for him since he couldn't get in the bed anymore. He slept in the bed for almost 17 years. He had never been away from me or anyone visiting in all those years, until near the end. Me and my parents were there for him at the end, I held him in my arms as the vet gave him the shots. I have never cried so hard for any loss in my life. He was my son and it has been 12 years since his death and I still miss him. I have had friends and family do me wrong over the years, but that dog always loved me unconditionally. He always was there after a crappy day at work or when I got a bad flu and couldn't hardly leave the bed for 2 days. I had a widow maker heart attack and he stuck around for 2 years after, to make sure I was ok. He did most of these things in this video. I saw a quote on Twitter that said " between hello and goodbye, there was love, so much love " RIP Shadow, you made my life worth living and I still miss you every damn day. 1993-2010
  • @honeytesta5960
    To all the dogs that Ive been lucky enough to share my life with, thank you for loving me, even when I didn't love myself. Thank you for teaching me to embody positive character traits, like quality of character, empathy, kindness, and loyalty, while also fostering responsibility and love. My pups also made me remember not to take myself too seriously and to have fun and remain in the moment. Thank you, I love and miss you.
  • @Soryuhaa
    Lost my dog today, How I wish their lifespan is the same as ours. My eyes are dry from crying and I can’t even comprehend it yet it feels like a bad nightmare… RIP Scotty you will always have a special place in my heart… You’re my first ever dog and no matter how many dogs I get in the future there is only one like you. You’re very easy to train and you’re very friendly never have i seen you be aggressive towards other dogs…
  • @Cosmic_excile
    Dogs are only part of your life, but to your dog you are their whole life.
  • 35 years, and I still get heavy in the chest when I think about the day I lost my childhood friend. That poor old boy. I could never bear to have another, partly because I am as loyal to him as he was to me, and partly because I just can't face that last day, ever again.
  • My dog is old and is going through most of these things and I try my best to make everything g comfortable sitting there and petting him, giving only soft foods, just being there with him getting a memory foam bed and a new blanket. I’m in literally shaking and crying watching this video because it’s been so long with him. I hate seeing him like this, it’s hurts so bad. I love him so much.
  • Something that has always brought me solace in moments like these is that we have to suffer the loss of dogs, as our cross to bear so they never have to live a day without us. They're too pure for that sadness so it's up to us to shoulder that burden.
  • @techh9171
    My pal Tommy died yesterday at midnight. From my first day at school to my final days of University he was there with me. I'll miss you buddy hope you find peace.
  • I don’t think I can go through losing my best friend,it just too hard ,but a dog is definitely better than people the love is unconditional.
  • @jackk8093
    The end of life is the hardest and worst part of having a dog. I always stay by their side when I have to put them down. It’s the hardest thing at the time but I feel better holding their head as they go so they hopefully know they were my everything.
  • @Kshipra88
    Im not ready for this 😢 this is sooo sad.... As im watching this, looking at my baby and continuously crying... i can not let her go... This is not possible for any of the dog parents.... They give us so much love in so little time... They deserve sooo much more ❤
  • @MsDJDaze
    It was hard to watch this video. My dog just died naturally on 2/1/22, he was 13 years old & I had him since he was born. My heart goes out to anyone who has lost your best friend 😢
  • @yooomama4295
    Our family dog died yesterday morning.😢 I had to call all the siblings to come say goodbye to him. Everyone was saying I was wrong that he was fine playing around with them, but he was just happy to see everyone but right after everyone left he was ready. He died early morning the next day. We all just layed out in the living room with him so he wasn’t alone. We faked sleeping with him so he can pass in his sleep. He did 40mins later.
  • @georgemello
    This video is well made. I recently lost 3 of my best friends in a span of 2 years. I weeped inconsolably and loudly. I write this in tears. Please follow the advice. The dog will lovingly cling to you and make you strong as you impart love and support. Our dogs died in our arms. It helped us with closure and memories. Lastly I offer my strong opinion that you can’t replace any living creature or person you love but if you love your dog through to the end then you have an enduring love that can love another dog or two. They need your love and they will absorb your pain as they lick your face in that special canine way that begs for your deepest friendship. Adopt from the humane society or purchase a puppy. It’s the greatest tribute you can give to your best departed friends that adored you. Let love and humanity pour from your soul and your new best friends will give you years of joy & happiness. Most Sincerely, George. In loving memory of Hunter, Margaret, and Winston. And our new family members; Oliver & Alfie