Generic Traits, Impls, and Slices in Rustlang

Published 2023-02-22
Generics can be super useful when you don't care about the specifics of a given type aside from very specific requirements. If we inform the Rust compiler that we only care about certain requirements, we can write one implementation that applies to a wide array of types instead of an implementation of a trait for every type.

This trait implementation can panic! Can you fix the panics caused by out of bounds indexing?


All Comments (21)
  • @peter9477
    I was very briefly confused by the name "prefix" when it's more of a subsequence, but other than that it was clear.
  • @phenanrithe
    Note that it's possible to use an associated type instead of a generic trait, which has the benefit of being usable as reference, for instance in binds (besides, there is no alternative for T so the generic is redundant and only gives more work to the compiler). The changes are minor in the code (unfortunately it's not possible to post URLs here), just remove the after Prefix, add "type Data;" in the trait definition and "Type Data = T;" in the blanket implementation, then replace the remaining "T"s with "Self::Data".
  • @rotteegher39
    I felt like big brain rusty kettle after watching this detailed explanation. Thank you!
  • First channel with such a great deal. After seeing this I felt I don't know anything, I have so much to learn in Rust. Long way to go
  • I didn't expect this to make sense but it did after watching it!! thank you!
  • @10produz90
    Awesome explanation. Love that you go over everything in detail
  • @Jordans1882
    Thanks. This was a really well done video. Your in depth walk-through of the code and types helped a lot. I also thought your example was perfect to get the point across for understanding generics and traits.
  • @goodwish1543
    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to more intermediate Rust contents like this. :)
  • @tedrose
    Great content, my favorite Rust youtuber right now!
  • @ZekeFast
    Good intro! There really mind blowing things you can done with generics, like instead of defining implementations directly for &[T] from your example we can define one for the types for which Deref coercion to &[T] exists. It is one of the most powerful things in type system and a great way to DRY code as alternative to using macros.
  • @m-7172
    It seems to me, that if we were looking for a subsequence [3, 4, 5] in [1, 2, 3, 4] your program would panic, because (index + prefix.len()) might be larger than the index of the last element in the original vec.
  • @Seacrest.
    Prefix|T> has to be in the same file (inline or module) to be able call has_prefix ?
  • @ewe-studios
    What extension do you use to hide and show the type in vscode or is it part of vscode rust extension? Thanks 🙏
  • The only drawback of using generics is the rustc monomorphisation process… which takes compilation time as it has to generate functions for every type implementing PartialEq right?