Bek Air 2100 CVR & Crash Animation

Published 2022-11-17

All Comments (21)
  • Transcript in russian: 0:11 "80 knots....." 0:12 "Check" 0:29 "V1, Rotate" 0:36 "Ух, ты!" 0:38 "Чё такое?" 0:39 "Твою мать!" 0:40 GPWS: Bank Angle. Bank Angle 0:41 "Чё такое?" 0:42 "Не знаю, чё такое, стабилизатор, блять, тормозим нахуй..." 0:45 "Не надо!" 0:46 "А?" 0:47 "Ой, блять" 0:48 "Чё ты делаешь? Поехали!" 0:50 "Ушли, ушли!" 0:52 "Убирай шасси!" 1:00 "Блять..." 1:01 "А?" 1:07 "Газ!" 1:10 "Ёб твою МАТЬ, А!" 1:24 "БЛЯТЬ, ААХ" 1:26 "ЁБ ТВОЮ...ААЙ" 1:28 (sound of impact)
  • @CanadaMatt
    It is true that, as a general rule, once you pass V1 you are committed to going flying. The flip side is that that only applies when the aircraft is actually capable of flight. In this case, however, the pilots were unaware the aircraft was incapable of flying, and therefore, continuing the take-off attempt was technically the prescribed procedure on paper. The error occurred both in allowing the icy condition to develop and then in not recognizing the nature of the problem and the resulting inability of the aircraft to fly. Once it became obvious the aircraft was not going to gain altitude, I personally think that is the point that you accept the fact you do not have enough space for an RTO but make the attempt anyway. For me that point came as soon as they lost what little height they had the first time.
  • @romantic340
    The aircraft can not fly with ice on wings, R.I.P to the 13 fatalities.
  • @notepadinc655
    i donnt know much about flying but surely hes allowed to use the half of the runway right?
  • @vince2k09
    I am wondering since this Video is out, have they tried to reject the takeoff and If Not, why didnt they reject the takeoff?
  • @R2Bl3nd
    Audio quality is kind of bad. I recommend keeping the audio entirely as uncompressed WAV files, and dropping it straight into an MKV container file as its audio track. That way when it gets uploaded to YouTube it's only ever been compressed one time. It seems like what you're doing now is compressing it before uploading it meaning it is getting compressed multiple times. Another common mistake people make is converting the audio into a different compressed format after extracting it from the YouTube video, or even transcoding it as a part of the extraction process, meaning that it might be getting compressed at least three times by the time it's uploaded.
  • @AdolfusYitler
    "The plane drifting" My demonic humor: plays deja vu
  • @blocksland817
    The fact they said fuck you then the copilot said fuck you too got me dying 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
  • @Mountainmonths
    there's a much better version of this that doesn't edit out half the CCTV footage and you can see the plane from a long way off bouncing up and down on the runway
    So sad... Another 3 miles and they might have been able to take off.
  • @Dynafuq
    I saw this footage befor i taught the crash was not to bad and i saw the last footage and im shock by that
  • @blocksland817
    if you look closely at the instruments, the plane was only going 120 it needs 160
  • Always abort takeoff after V1 if its not going up. Dont half guess your takeoff, you might hit the fence ahead, plane will get damaged but no one would die. V1 is not the point of no return, a stall at takeoff is way worse
  • @icemachine79
    Can anyone translate the pilots' words into English?
  • @nehuge
    why'd they keep trying and not abort?
  • @SFOZ
    The plane just drifting