大選紀錄|訪問倫敦Bermondsey and Old Southwark選區.工黨候選人Neil Coyle

Published 2024-07-02
Neil Coyle 2015年當選Bermondsey and Old Southwark國會議員,他指目前選區內有數百名香港移民,亦提及香港移民的關注,包括BNO簽證計劃去向、在英港人子女大學學費、私校學費收取VAT等議題。


#英國大選 #工黨 #NielCoyle #關鍵少數 #BNO #香港人 #大學學費 #大選紀錄


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All Comments (17)
  • @davidc5438
    綠豆團隊好! 大家好! 早/午/晚上好!
  • @papalovetoys
    如果 係施紀賢 講bno visa 有fast track 我馬上轉投工黨 (可惜只係一個工黨侯選人)
  • @Mellowbeee
    what about Uni fee - is it a luxury? shouldn't it be VAT charge too? sending children to independent school is not a luxury, but a matter of choice. what about pushing all the middle class private schools children to the state sector, are there enough availability? how much are they going to consume the govt fund. what about those SEN children who are now in the private sector? talking is cheap, think deeper before advocating certain policy in order to attract votes.
  • @sunwanny249
    工黨信唔過,係英國嘅5+1 人睇路啦
  • @leonado23
    短視為咗個護照 選英國共產黨 咪即係由一個坑跳入另一個坑 BNO晤會冇咗 只係選舉政黨攞泥play around籌碼
  • Vote Reform, only party will against CCP effectively. Reform also reserve essential immigration, as BNO and Ukraine is humanitarian route.
  • @Yolis_C
  • @kenneth_ng
    政治廣告?明白點樣都要收入,不過應該要坦白。依家工黨同保守黨實在冇乜大分別。投liberal 穩陣啲。We need a different voice.