Published 2024-06-24
What does World War 3 have to do with Iran, according to God's Word the Bible?

When WORLD NEWS intersects with God's Word!
Who does God say will come against His chosen people?
Listen to the list in Ezekiel 38:5-6.

It is actually quite amazing, almost like this morning's newspaper. Here are the players in one of the greatest conflicts of all time:

• PERSIA or IRAN as we call it today. In the Bible, this is the family of Elam, the firstborn of Shem. Remember that Abraham comes through the third-born son (Genesis 10:22) Arphaxad, not Elam.

• CUSH This is modern black Africa which originated in the ancient world between the 2nd and 3rd cataracts of the Nile.

• PUT or what we call today North Africa comes through this third son of Ham. Modern Libya used to be called the Puttites. This would include the Algerians, Tunisians, Moroccans, and Mauritanians.

• GOMER or the Cimmerians are easily identified by looking at the Babylonian Talmud (written during the exile of the Jews to Babylon and then Persia in Daniel’s time and after) where they are called Germania, or Germany. These tribes settled and flourished between the Rhine and Danube River Valleys.

• TOGARMAH is the next group and these are the tribes of Turkey namely modern Armenia and Turkey.

• MESHECH is the 6th son of Japheth (Genesis 10:2). Assyrian inscriptions locate this group as dwelling in Phrygia and Anatolia (which is modern Turkey). Herodotus the Greek historian calls these same tribes the Mushki and says they came down from the Black Sea mountains which is NE of Turkey. Josephus in the 1st Century says that Meshech dwells in Eastern Turkey.

• TUBAL is the 5th son of Japheth whose descendants migrated to the same general area. In the war records of the Assyrians, these tribes are called Tibareni and Moschi and are located on the SE shores of the Black Sea. Again all in southern modern-day Russia.

• SHEBA and DEDAN are the grandsons of Abraham in Genesis 25:2 by his 3rd wife Keturah. These are not from Ishmael but a separate line. These may be the classic Arabic desert dwellers. They are seen in Ezekiel 38:13 as watching from the sidelines.

• TARSHISH was the grandson of Japhath, the 2nd son of Javan Genesis 10:2 the father of Greece.
What happens?

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All Comments (14)
  • @dlr1668
    Didn't know where else to go to ask you all of this. Please pray for my little brother he makes fun of my whole family because we believe in God and that Jesus is our savior. I didn't think he was that anti-Christian. He thinks hell is like the Santa Clause story...but not true. God can change anyone's heart. So I figured if I get enough to pray for him maybe he will change. I told him hell is real and it's eternity and non stop suffering. Once again he laughed. So thank you for all that pray. His name is Chaz. I will pray for all of you. May God bless you all and Israel.
  • @Pippysmama1
    Praying for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to Chaz and all our family members who don't believe the gospel message of Jesus Christ!
  • Thank you Pastor Barnette for this teaching as well as all of your teaching’s.. I learn so much from listening to you.. God bless you & yours.🙏💕
  • thank you - i'm learning so much. It' precious - Patricia from Belgium Be blessed for the teaching Wath's next? Please go on.
  • ⛪️🙏🏻⛪️🙏🏻⛪️🙏🏻⛪️🙏🏻⛪️Please 🙏🏻pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.
  • @justme9683
    Please place the camera closer to the pastor and the map so we can see the details better. Thanks!
  • @bobbybigz3408
    The offspring of Abraham will be as numerous as the stars and pebbles of sand on the sea shore. Many of us would be Isrealites?
  • Blue law As Protestant moral reformers organized the Sabbath reform in 19th-century America, calls for the enactment and enforcement of stricter Sunday laws developed. Numerous Americans were arrested for working, keeping an open shop, drinking alcohol, traveling, and engaging in recreational activities on Sundays. Revelation 12:17 KJV And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. It's coming; Rev 13:11,12, thou they profess knowing Christ. Apostate Protestant America will speak as a dragon in future," Blue law", legislation, Church -State union against Commandment keeping Christians ( Saturday) having the testimony ( Historicism truth that the Papacy is Antichrist) of Jesus Christ; Rev 19:10.
  • @Jewels-501
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, (Mormons) believe in God, the Eternal Father, in His son, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. They are 3 separate beings.
  • That prophecy can only be misinterpreted in Ezek, Zach. Revelation 13:11-12 KJV And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. [12] And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Revelation shows a Nation professing Christ will heal deadly wound of the Antichrist. Therefore a pre-trib secret rapture is a scam! It's these Christians that are here will heal deadly wound of the Antichrist the Papacy, been deceived they will not be here!
  • @godzoo18
    You got it completely twisted, It's God versus Israel, the people that rejected andmurdered his son, still reject him and I've been practically responsible for every major war in the last 100 years. Israel is a nation was rejected over 2000 years ago.