Joe Rogan Experience #1612 - Robert Bigelow

Published 2024-06-27
Robert Bigelow is an aerospace entrepreneur and founder of the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies: an organization supporting research into the survival of human consciousness after death.

All Comments (21)
  • @Starfish2145
    Robert Bigelow is a fascinating character. Very intelligent.
  • @Patriots316
    Bigelow absolutely knows more than he lets on.
  • Come on Joe ! Bigelow is trying to tell you, but you're not listening! Read up on the topic before you take such a dogmatic stance. Bigelow knows a hell of a lot more on the topic than you do. You could have been a little more respectful. Maybe all this success is going to your head, feeding your ego? Bigelow is a top of the line authentic researcher who is searching for answers. Give him the credit he deserves.
  • @Kushman018
    Bob Bigelow is a legend, Great episode!
  • @CharleneSawe
    I just watched your intervew with Mr Bigelow. Very impressed with how he was so open about his experiences. Had my first experience with something at 5 years old. Im 74 now and around every 6-8 years I have experienced very weird experiences. Most disturbing one was when my son( who had OI) was out with friends.(he was living in a dorm at Stanford University at the time).It was around 1:30 am and I was awakened when I heard my name shouted. My husband who is a scientist said "Just go back to sleep" 30 minutes later I heard 3 knocks at the front door, I again awakened and yelled that someone was at the front door. My husband grabbed my sons walking stick and went to the door . Yelled at me that nobody was there and Im just trying to disrupt his sleep......10 minutes later my sons girlfriend called and told me he had fallen and broken his femur in 4 places was at the hospital in ER. If those things are here I believe they are to our benefit. Thank You for reading. Charlene
  • @chrisalley9718
    We need a new interview with him.. He's 80 and not getting any younger...He's also in amazing shape for his age.
  • This interview is 3 years old!!!!!! We want a new interview with Bigelow!
  • I was hoping to hear about his experiences at Skin Walker Ranch when he owned the place.
  • @hiramabiff225
    If there is one person in the world I could have dinner with and a no holds barred conversation, Robert Bigelow would be that person. There's so much more he knows that he cannot discuss with the public. Please Mr Bigelow, have dinner with me!!
  • @ItsTheFuzzMan
    "Who has the time to think about these things?"....I'd ask, who has the time not to think about these things?
  • If youve not heard it yet, Mr Bigelow did a show with the late great Art Bell on coast to coast AM in about 2015, one of the Midnight in the desert shows. It was really enlightening.
  • In 2008 I visited a local clairvoyant (not famous) as a sceptic. She recorded the session. She mentioned all the names of my deceased relatives. Not impressed as they were all common names but not one incorrect name included. She mentioned a family member who was in the army. I said no as I momentarily forgot my uncle who lived with us was. She went on to say I’m seeing 3 men in uniform standing in front of an army vehicle. I said no with confidence as I knew my family photos well. 10 years or so later a niece shared her research cache of the family history via email. There was a photo of my uncle in uniform with 2 other servicemen in front of an army vehicle. I hope to find the tape and it still works as this would be checkable.
  • Sorry Joe, you kinda annoyed me with your dogmatic skeptic certainty on this one. There HAVE been studies on near-death experiences done by neurosurgeons. There HAVE been scientific studies done on the effects of prayer. As Bigelow was saying, there is a multitude of literature on these topics. Just because you haven't read them or had someone spoon feed them to you on your podcast so you don't have to read, doesn't mean these things don't exist. Look some of it up before you declare that things don't have a factual basis in reality.
  • @HeidiNielTTFN
    On the subject of mediumship, I went along with a friend as moral support, and a sceptic, several years ago, to a local meeting. The Psychic announced there was a sceptic/doubter in the room! I remained poker faced, when she proceeded to describe EXACTLY what I had done as a toddler, with my bottle, with alot more details I might add! My jaw fell on the floor...there was NO WAY ANYONE could have known this! I was convinced about the afterlife from that day on!
  • @ricchamen6304
    The Irony is Joe never reads this stuff. He admitted himself. Sadly. I think Bigelow is more clearly expressive of humanity than Joe. Sorry Joe
  • @jonk3927
    Damn, Joe grilled Rob as it went and idk how I feel about it. There's plenty of evidence on top of all of the fraud on the subject. This will never be read but alas I wonder if his opinion has changed over these last few years. Rob knows. Rob didn't recall well but there are plenty of sources to come to and be enlightened. love em Both. God Bless all.
  • Near Death Experiences fall under qualia...I can only imagine it's like trying to describe the color green to a person that's never had sight. If that person is given sight, only then can they understand the experience of seeing the color green. Just a thought
    “You could have both chocolate and vanilla icecream and you wouldnt be happy.” Best quote ever😂✨
  • @rrh2918
    What a good podcast to listen to on my Trip, from Minneapolis to Des Moines.