閨密分享初相識 | 原來杏兒當年係敏之恩人? | 陳敏之 Sharon Chan(中文字幕)

Published 2022-09-26

00:00 開場
01:43 杏兒當年有一股氣場
02:37 敏之首次拍劇認識杏兒
03:45 杏兒嚴肅指正敏之演出問題
04:30 大台工作忙無心情交
05:05 開Party 杏兒超爆造型周街行
06:02 婚後成閨密
06:28 兩人老公一拍即合
08:30 老公們志趣相投鑽研香水
10:50 快問快答測友誼
12:24 人妻最愛嘅人
15:00 給20年後家人的話

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#陳敏之 #SharonChan #chichat
#TVB #下一站彩虹
#胡杏兒 #杏兒老公 #杏兒囝囝

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All Comments (21)
  • @kathymiao6378
  • @HKcarcar2023
  • @c.wzy_22
  • @mandychu6125
  • @amywong3228
  • @wm3niki132
    好鍾意杏兒 鍾意睇佢演戲 係一個好演員
  • @Tom-zg7fy
    Love it how Myolie praised her mum in law like heaven. She knows she needs to work extremely hard to bring money back home to feed her full family. She is the one and only money maker in the house. Being good and close friends with Sharon, Sharon can tell Myolie loves her husband more than her 3 boys. Knowing on camera, Myolie puts on that she truly believe her husband has never lied to her. Funny that she tell her kids to take care of her mum in law and to love her but not to mention anything about herself. Looking at Myolie's life is like she's a machine that just gives birth and bring money to feed the family.
  • Myolie I like you a lot, don’t keep exposing Sharon or feel like you have to defend yourself. Sharon was just trying to share her feelings about you, we know the intention was not to make you look bad, it was just her personal experience. Great job both!
  • @yixingspixie
    The pairing I never knew I needed! Love Myolie and Sharon's friendship, its so sweet!
  • I like how your guests are always surprising yet satisfying to watch🥰looking forward to the next episode💘
  • @karenho7358
    超喜歡杏兒, 一個好nice的人, 胡說八道我最鐘意她和子羚
  • Finally I’m so happy Myo be your guest, love your friendship, looking forward to more
  • @evawai3313
  • @electricLov3
    Can't wait to see more Myolie and Sharon together!! Lol Sharon, that's how I feel about my son too!
  • @cybilwong