What If We Could Use 100% of Our Brains Capacity?

Published 2024-04-26
Many people wonder about using all parts of their brains. This thought is common. The belief that we only use 10% of our brains doesn't come from a clear source. Movies like "Lucy" and "Limitless" have characters who unlock their full brain power and get amazing abilities. These stories make the idea seem possible, but what's the real story? Can our minds actually do incredible things if we use them fully? Let's explore what this could mean in reality and if there's any truth behind these fascinating stories.

Contents of Video

Introduction - 00:00
How Our Brain Works - 00:34
Why Do People Believe in 10% Brain Function Theory? - 02:07
What Do Biologists Say? - 04:19
Substances to Improve Brain Performance - 06:04
Activities to Boost Brain Power - 07:55

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