Why I'm Not Going Back to Full-Time Work

Published 2022-09-23
šŸ“˜šŸ’™ My new book of self-reflection exercises: www.authenblissity.com/abr-book

Hi everyone!! It has been a four years since I left my full-time job! I LOVE having so much flexible time and I'm not ready to give that up. In this video, I chat about why I don't plan to go back to full-time work, and the main pros and cons of working from home part-time.

It was hard for me to think of cons because this lifestyle suits me so well, and it turns out that the two main cons I thought of aren't really cons for me. They are:

1) Making less money. I think this would be difficult for a lot of people, but I was able to let go of a lot of the extravagant, discretionary expenses that I didn't truly need or want. Other than those frequent splurges, I was already living a very simple and ordinary life so I found I didn't need as much money as I thought to sustain myself. (Note: I still share all household expenses with hubby, 50/50.) In this video, I also chat about why I feel making less money has actually improved my mental health.

2) Interacting with colleagues. In the past few years, I've learned that my love for solitude is quite severe, even among my fellow introverts. I don't need a lot of interaction to feel connected to people, but I sense that it would be difficult for a lot of people to not have the camaraderie of interacting with their peers. This, combined with having so much free time, might feel very lonely for people who aren't used to having so much time alone or who don't have a lot of hobbies / interests to keep their minds occupied.

The main pro for me is time freedom. I love being able to do what I want, when I want. I love that each day is a little puzzle that I can put together. I have lots of time to feel creative, inspired, and even bored. I didn't get into this in the video but I have two part-time jobs right now and they are both very flexible so I have the time and energy to pursue my personal creative projects. The hours at my jobs fluctuate pretty widely but on average I work around 15-20 hours per week (both jobs combined), which is ideal for me.

Links below if you'd like to know more! Thank you for watching! x

Why I Quit My Job: Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā WhyĀ IĀ QuitĀ MyĀ JobĀ Ā 
3 Changes I've Noticed Since Quitting My Job: Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā 3Ā ChangesĀ I'veĀ NoticedĀ SinceĀ Quitting...Ā Ā 
How I Prepared Financially for Quitting My Job: Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā HowĀ IĀ PreparedĀ FinanciallyĀ forĀ Quitti...Ā Ā 
Blog post on what I learned about myself in these 4 years: www.authenblissity.com/ponderings/four-years
Playlist on mindful shopping: Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā MindfulĀ ShoppingĀ Ā 

Book progress updates: Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā BookĀ ProgressĀ UpdatesĀ Ā 
Vlog channel: youtube.com/authenblissityvlog
Website: www.authenblissity.com/

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All Comments (21)
  • @danbruno5945
    I vote Monday to Thursday 28 hours is the best balance to keep your mind healthy and on form ā¤
  • I'm the same. Time freedom is my highest value too. I work 2 days a week for 10 hours. The rest of the week I' m free. I still have more than enough money, cause two month a year, I work for 50 to 60 hours and in those two month I earn more than 6000 Euros. I have enough time to write my book and do things I really enjoy. I love it to wake up in the mornings and no company, office and boss is waiting for me!! I hate working for someone else! I also start my own business as a freelance content writer. What I also love about not having a full-time job is, I can eat at home. I hated it not eating my own staff. Most people who work full-time develop a very unhealthy eating routine.
  • Thank you for sharing this! I haven't heard anyone talk about this topic. I shifted from teaching full time to being a part-time professor while finishing my PhD and decided to not go back to teaching. I just didn't have the heart for it. I am nkw a full-time professor, but the schedule is very flexible. Once I get through one semester teaching a course, it will be much less time spent in future semesters. Everything you said resonates with me and I have found it challenging in a society that expects me to work constantly and have children. I can't imagine working full-time and havjng children in my 40s. I need to choose how my day looks and enjoy a lot of alone time. It's when I'm at my happiest. I woyld be miserable if I were constantly running and interacting with others constantly.
  • Wow, I relate to you! Full time has never been me. Ive been about living/and art etc. spiritualiity. For the past year ive been 40 plus a week and its killing me. I put in my notice to go down to 20 hrs. So far they havnt told me when because they still need my workload. I have a meeting with my boss tommorow and ill find out when i can go to 20. Wow you love alone time too? I am so introverted maybe thats why ive always liked part time. I love to be alone and go to thrift stores and enjoy the hunt! Freedom time off! Yes
  • @BigEvan96
    I work full time and have money but zero freedom. I know that if i becomes unemployed i may be even more unhappy because of the dread of not being able to pay my bills. My job is getting to be even more stressfull than my previous job which is why i made the move. Boy was that a mistake. I work 60, sometimes 70 hours a week and I'm surrounded by incompetance, mentally unwell people, etc. The work is gruelling and I'm mentally exhausted when i get home.
  • @Ddeath.Eaterr
    Thank you for this video! My time is very important to me. Time with my family, time in my garden, time to cook actual meals, time to just be and create and LIVE. I have a situation I realize many donā€™t have and that is, im 26 and stay with my mom and we split the bills 50/50. So my part time job works for me. Somehow I feel this guilt that I should be working more, that itā€™s not enough, I should have 2 jobs or a full time oneā€¦.I guess thatā€™s the ego šŸ˜
  • @kenbernal8245
    i really hate full time too, like literally theres no stability in money that i will not last long and the freedom is not so good, to the point I experienced a lot of mental issues including burnouts because income is not good enough to sustain
  • I cannot believe it's been 4 years. That's amazing. I'm so happy for you and the journey you've been on, and as someone who works full-time in an office, this is very inspirational. Thank you.x
  • @arvindchahal7009
    Part time work is easy on the psyche even if the task at hand is harder. It doesn't make you feel that you are running into a cycle, a rut ( although part time work may also be a cycle). It's also about the balance between activity and rest. A few days work and a few days rest brings the right balance to life and that's the goal of life. Part time work is seen as of low value as compared to full time work in society that is anxious and running too fast. We have forgotten to slow down and rest. Running thru a full time job is considered as normal in society and part time is condemned as being lazy. This is wrong. A full timer person does not remain fit to contribute to human well being in other areas. His whole life is moving around the petty job. Part timers can move into other areas and creative pursuits which full timers can't dream of. It's all about having richness of time.
  • @vinylwaif
    Great video! I completely agree that part time work is that sweet spot between earning and time freedom/mental energy. ā¤ New subbie šŸ˜Š
  • @kadyliang5646
    I think it was me who asked for this video, so thank you for doing it!!! I've really admired the way that you went through this process of stepping away from full time work. First, the financial and emotional planning you put in when making the decision, followed by giving yourself the room to really understand yourself and explore options by taking a full year off, then gradually adding things back to achieve the current balance that you've found. I have mentioned before in my comments that I find myself on a similar path to you (though I am a few years older than you). Because I have children, it is taking me a lot longer to go through this process, but I tell those who are interested that I'm on a 10 year plan of "de-workistrating" my life. A year ago, I quit my old job, which was very intense and involved long hours including weekends and nights. I moved to a less demanding job (for a pay cut) that doesn't require as much "overtime" work but unfortunately still eats a lot into my vacation time (as in I have none, lol). I'm hopeful that within 5 years, I will be able to take another, more dramatic pay cut, and move into part time work that is more meaningful for me and freeing up enough time to pursue the other things I'm interested in. I agree with you though - so much of this is really about being honest about what it is we get out of work. Is it financial security because without that job you wouldn't eat, is it material superiority from having things that others don't, or is it an actual sense of satisfaction from accomplishment. I think a lot of us are told that we get that latter, but in fact, we are working due to one of the former. I continue to follow your vlogs with great interest. I think your "simple" life is quite beautiful.
  • @Wydoshe
    Thank you for this video, you're an inspiration. Very eloquently put and this will resonate with me. I have choices and decisions to make.
  • @hasneyilmaz6171
    Very helpful. Thanks for sharing. You are speaking my mind šŸ˜Š
  • @gardenofe12
    I canā€™t believe itā€™s been 4 years since you quit your full time job !!! I watched that video !!! I got laid off exactly one year ago actually one year ago about 3 weeks now after being my computer for 26+ years !!! I was actually ok with it because the last 2 years or so I was no longer happy there in fact it got to the point where I was down right miserable. I used to LOVE my job but things changed there ie. Management to be exact !! I did a whole career change to what Ives been doing. I never thought I would do this type of job in a million years !! I thought I would retire at my previous job. I now work in the Aviation Industry and itā€™s been good. Iā€™m still getting used to it but in time it will be good šŸ˜Š Iā€™m still learning and learning every day.
  • Nice! I went from top 3 on a sales team to parrttime administration coordinator. I know what you mean by ego lol. It's nice to hear about someone else on a similar journey
  • Thank you! Very inspiring to know there are options out there! Very looking forward of your book
  • @mollymol8755
    Iā€™m glad it worked out as well or even better than you hoped. Could you elaborate on what you meant by ā€œego and entitlement?ā€ Iā€™m guessing you meant the validation you felt from your old job. Did entitlement mean that you worked hard so you felt you deserved certain things? Itā€™s so helpful to have an example of two (in future videos) so we can better interpret what those words mean to you.
  • @Anonymous-wb3nz
    I work 60 hours a week for four months in the summers in Alaska, and love it. The rest of the year, I work part time teaching Kung Fu and personal training. It works for me.
  • @letmeseemm
    I made a similar decision for similar reasons! 3 years later I'm definitely digging in deeper that original decision