How to Speak Midwest

Published 2024-02-20

All Comments (21)
  • @nutzpwnz
    You forgot 1 important thing, distance traveled is measured in time, not miles It isn't 30 miles away, its 30 minutes away
  • @damascusraven
    You forgot "welp", especially at gatherings it signals that you're about to leave or that everyone else needs to leave.
  • @Childofbhaal
    One of the most common phrases I hear living in the Midwest: “It would be really nice out without this damn wind”
  • @kylisius2868
    I'm from South Africa and married a mid-western lady. She says the whole, "if you don't want to, you don't have to", all the time. The key is listening to the seriousness of her tone.
  • @CyndieAmala
    I always find myself saying "ope sorry" in the grocery store when I realize I'm blocking someone's path with my cart 😂
  • @Mindy12836
    When someone gets to your house always ask what roads they took to get there 😂
  • @MaryJoD
    On our SECOND date, my future husband gave me an oil filter for my car. Most girls get chocolate or flowers, I got an oil filter. My dad said, he's thinking about you. Go Midwest Bros.
  • I never realized how Midwestern I was until I joined the Army. Southerners, West Coasters, East Coasters, etc. had no idea what I was saying half the time lol
  • @mikenimmick3920
    Oh, no matter where you live in the MW, if you have to go somewhere to gotta go into town.
  • @CRBungalow
    The weather is always the perfect topic for a conversation because we know the weather 2 hours from now might be a different season from right now.
  • From Iowa but have been held captive in NYS for 35 yrs . It's good to hear normal people talking. You betcha!
  • @Big_Country_67
    Add the “ope it’s time to head out” then you stand by the door with your winter gear on only to continue chatting for over an hour and you start to warm up too much then you walk outside and they continue to follow you and talk to you. You get in your car and drive away and they are there at the end of the driveway still waving at you…. Classic MN goodbyes
  • @joshmiller3927
    The last meal of the day is “supper”. On Sunday 2nd meal is called dinner, but every other day of the week it’s called lunch.
  • @sethgnade3530
    You forgot the goodbyes, where you slap your knee and say welp and then proceed to bs for another hour before actually leaving
  • @Wall_Flour
    "Spoze" (I Suppose)... E.X. 'Welp, [ knee slap ], Spoze I should get out there and mow the yard.'
  • @greenfox6606
    We would rather suffer alone than make someone do something they don't want to do... This is soooo on point 😂
  • @aronhultgren7903
    I feel a connection to midwesteners Im a swede, we act similar.
  • Also important to note, Yeah, no, yeah can also mean "yes, definitely/obviously"
  • @goopygeiger5632
    Heading out to the mail box in flannel pajama bottoms and a parka, coffee in hand, and sayin, “good mernin” to your neighbor who is dressed the same….thats midwest. Much love from the south shore of Lake Erie