Normal CD | Found You

Published 2023-02-26

All Comments (21)
  • I typed a bunch of info for this just for it to be deleted cause of the inspect thing making me click on a different video, bruh. I ain't retyping all the lore again. Press read more for the entire thing ig. Design and origin: Normal is a short, stony blue and teal creature that somewhat resembles sonic. He has four head quills instead of the traditional three, and he has four back spines instead of two. He has darkened stripes on his arms, legs, and tail. His eyes are constantly different sizes, and his mouth cartoonishly stretches off the side of his muzzle. He also has black marks around his eyes. As glass cannon, he was taller, did not wear gloves, had visible fluff on his cheeks similar to Revived, and had fluff on his chest. After meeting curse, he regains a bit of his old height, grows out his spines a bit more, and the ends of his quills darken. he also regains his chest fluff. He’s a chaotic, goofy little guy who just wants the best for all of his friends. Normal is not a traditional EXE, rather, an experiment made by Revived, in an attempt to create life out of soul glass. This technically makes Normal Revived’s biological son. Story: Normal is a creation made by Revived back in his days of godhood in an experiment named Project: Glass Cannon. Normal, who at the time was called Glass, would end up spending two years with him. Revived started to get attatched to Glass, and started giving him gifts, one of which was Sonic CD, the other being the Sonic OVA. While watching Glass be happy under his care, Revived started seeing Glass as a son. the thought of loving and being loved was so terrifying to him, and he was so scared of accidentaly making Glass into a monster, that he wiped Glass`s memories and cast him into the void. as he waits, the void changes him, and warps some of his features. eventually, after about a decade, Void Majin would keep that promise, and a world was created to house a memory-wiped Glass, based on his favorite game, Sonic CD. This universe is where Act 2 takes place. Normal sees Sonic, and can`t help but feel an overwhelming sense of pain and grief. this results in Normal blinding Sonic in one eye and breaking one of his legs. He almost succeeds at killing sonic, until Eggman comes along. Now, Eggman is usually all for teaming up with people to kill Sonic, but this thing he saw in front of him was unhinged, and clearly could not be trusted. So, he saves Sonic from Normal, and takes him somewhere safe. He comes to a small secret base in metallic madness, where Metal is holding Amy, and disables Metal`s prime directive, essentially granting him free will, as he knows the plan is off. him and Sonic hole up in a cave off of Little Planet, where they hope to hatch a plan to stop Normal. Meanwhile, with Sonic and Eggman gone, Normal causes chaos. He doesn`t kill, he has no need to, but he is doing more damage to the environment than Eggman ever did. Eventually, news of this destructive rampage reaches Metal and Amy through a stray flicky. He backs himself up to every system he can find in Eggman`s laboratory, as the last thing he wants is to lose the consciousness he just gained. Each time Metal loses, he brings back intel, and Amy can build him better bodies to combat normal. Over time, they make the best body for Metal possible, and it seems like the battle is at a stalemate. That is, until they find a time stone hidden in one of Eggman`s many secret laboratories. Amy pulls out all the stops for metal`s final body. She pulls out blueprints for a prototype Mecha Sonic, takes its best features, and gets to work crafting a body strong enough to house a time stone. Amy used that same principle from Mecha`s blueprints for Metal`s new design. Normal can`t be killed. Which leads to a TRULY endless battle between Metal and Normal. And every time normal is tired out, he runs away, and comes back for another round later. This is where Found you is based on This keeps going until one day, Normal finds Metal and Amy's base. in a last ditch effort to protect Amy, metal begins his final fight with normal, dragging him through time, using every ounce of power and energy he has. but it's not enough. Normal manages to catch Metal off guard, and rips his head clean off his body, deactivating him. he uses Metal's decapitated head to warp back to where they left Amy, dropping the head on the ground in front of her. He then destroys every computer in the room, in an attempt to effectively kill metal. amy, in desperation, asks normal why. why he did any of this, if he really hates them that much. normal had never been asked why, or even stopped to think about why he's doing any of this. he'd never even been asked a question before. Conflicted, normal leaves Amy in the base. she desperately searches for something, some way to bring metal back, and right before she gives up, she finds one last drive he's stored on. it'll take a lot of work, but it'll be okay. he will be okay. End of Found you section he should feel happy, right? he should feel fulfilled? then why does he feel so empty? why does it feel like nothing`s changed? seeing Sonic`s face again is painful, so normal runs away, with Sonic giving chase close behind. they race through the one track remaining on stardust speedway, which is a distraction while Eggman prepares to open the portal. they`re almost at the end of the track, when suddenly, a portal directly into the void opens in front of sonic and normal. normal, almost falling in, grabs on to sonic for support. sonic starts trying to pry Normal`s hand off of him, finger by finger, and only notices the genuine terror in Normal`s eyes when he finally manages to pry Normal`s hand off. Normal falls in. the portal closes. Normal is stranded and alone again. they can tell that he`s directionless, and is trying to fill a void in his heart. they tell him that he will soon meet many incredible people that will change his life forever, and they will help guide him to what he truly needs, but it`s up to him to atone for what he`s done, and to change and grow. it`s going to take courage, but all he needs is the will to take that first step. 2 days later, robotnik has finally managed to program a self-destruct code for every badnik at once, freeing little planet from his machines. he`s had enough of the whole "evil scientist" thing after all the time he spent caring for sonic and working alongside him. he presses the button, and… End of Story in Normal's universe Fun Fact/Extra Information NormalCD doesn't care about Amy, he only wants Metal. Amy is a trans woman. Amy is indeed black. Everyone in Normal's universe is over 18. Found You and Normal was supposed be to in Vs. Sonic.exe 3.0, you can hear the Beta Found You somewhere on youtube. Amy was supposed to get two sprites, scared and confident sprites, but Erick never made the Confident sprites. Amy is the "Tails" of this universe. NormalMetal has a yellow timestone in his head cause that's how he controls the stone effectively. The characters in the TV of the OG bg are believed to be characters canon in Normal's lore which there is a lot of evidence for that. Hopskotch's voice for Normal is a mixture of Sonic OVA's Sonic voice/accent mixed with a sonic impression. Part of Normal's design and colour pallete can be seen in some frames of the Sonic OVA. Normal has gender dyshporia. No, he doesn't care if Amy rebuilds Metal. NormalCP is a joke from large lenny that plays on the drama with jester, jester having CP, NormalCD having CD in his name, hence, NormalCP. In this context, Normal is joked about being a ped but there are no underaged characters in his universe so STOP SAYING HE WANTS TO TOUCH AMY YOU GOD DAMN SONS OF B- NormalCD is named NewCD in the Remake of Found you cause I do indeed want to separate Normal from Jester. NewCD is a remade/slighly rewritten NormalCD, which he has EncoreCD as his Encore mode version, which you will see when Found You Encore releases soon. NormalCD has a weird name, which I suggest you stop asking about why he is named that, it's supposed to be an ironic name because Sonic CD and he is "Normal" which he believes he is and wants to be Normal, and he likes Sonic CD, think. His design is Sonic OVA and Sonic CD in terms of design, and colour, so before you complain about the design, think about where the design comes from. Curse was supposed to be in Normal's story as well. Don't ask, I don't know much about this but apparently it was something fun and I support it. Don't expect NormalCD to be destructive, he's just a noodleboy who has some PTSD attacks about his father who he can't remember. Part of the community considers me as NormalCD's new owner cause I claimed him before Avery came back which you can go see on my Found You Instrumental remake and I am the only person really doing anything with him in terms of big projects and shit so... I don't really know why they consider me his owner but ig that's just the fandom for you. Just whoever provides content on Normal the most owns him ig, idk, lol. Lithium is a based chad. Extra thing ig: If you really want lore for this genesis thing then here... In an alternate universe, Metal wasn't caught off-guard by Normal's attack but still got frightened enough to lose control and cause him to break time. He tries to fix it but realises he is trapped in the Sonic Genesis reality cause of his mistake. He tries to play his part but in the end still loses and gets sent back to his original universe when Genesis Found you ends, and it all goes back to *Normal*. trol Thanks for reading I guess. Peace. My tag if you got any questions. CursieTea🎵| Comms open💎#6669
  • @Soobway
    “Metal open the noor” the sprites are sick btw!!!
  • Man, I knew Jesterfrog briefly through all their Deltarune stuff. Seeing this all now, in its context, and hearing this all is so... unnerving. I hope everyone involved is alright.
  • I like to see how people see Metal as a Hero. Well, I would like to see how Metal will become a hero in official.
  • @MR-Slicc
    bro went all out for this banger
  • @kinglevy7206
    Lore:NormalCD Won the rapbattle and stole the time stone from metals head but metal stole it back. And he travelled back in time to change the present but it was in the retro dimension so he tried to do it again and he won
  • dooo people not separact the art from the artist anymore? cant we just all agree that this is a good song and cool characters and be done??
  • @tom_da_man
    I have no idea what is happening here but the song is quite catchy
  • CD was originally supposed to say: "Too bad I'm gonna fuck it all up" oppose to "It'll be the last thing you ever see"
  • @Smthn_Wicked
    My face when the smiling hedgehog breaks down the door to rap battle the mechanical hedgehog protecting a child
  • "Come out, come out wherever you are. Just kidding, I already found you! Knock knock, guess who! Nice place you got here! Too bad its the last place you'll see!"
  • @Thy_Guardian
    So underrated, a fucking banger, one of the best in FNF community. Also what is the lore behind this ?