One Person’s Story of Life With CSVD | ABF

Published 2023-03-15
Julie Turner was 54 when she received a life-changing brain disease diagnosis. After years of escalating memory and thought-processing issues, Julie was diagnosed with cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD).

CSVD manifests itself in many ways, but it primarily impairs blood flow to the brain. The effects of this and other aspects of the disease have caused Julie to struggle with reading, writing, and speaking and experience nervous system issues, trouble walking, strokes, and even the early stages of dementia. Because there is no cure for CSVD and treatments are limited, funding research is absolutely critical to saving the lives of people like Julie. Give today to fund research seeking better treatments and a cure for CSVD. Make a donation at

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All Comments (21)
  • @ashleystipes11
    I was just diagnosed, I'm 43, momma of 5 and gma to 1. After years of thinking I'm crazy and numerous neurologists. Finally got a Neurosurgeon to look at my brain mri and explain what is going on. It's really hard to feel or have emotions and the confusion some days are awful. There definitely needs to be more awareness and if I could put my pennies worth in having peace of your mind thru God's word helps me get thru. Praying for all of you precious brothers and sisters
  • Prayers for you. I was diagnosed at 55. I’m 58 now. It’s a very emotional roller coaster you’re not in this alone.🦋
  • @Hi22213
    I am 35 and have this just diagnoised. Do not know how long I will live
  • Just diagnosed. I'm scared! I'd been thinking I had MS... I'm 66 and alone.
  • @foxynpink
    I was just diagnosed at just turning 43, but symptoms started at 39. I'm devastated & angry.
  • I've this disease. This patient should use omega3, salmon oil and fatty fishes and choline bitartrate with cynacobalamin to reduce this risk.
  • Me 2 found out yesterday I’m so scared mum has it too and has dementia I had TIA so the MRI was just to be on the safe side So sorry you have this as well xx
  • @forgetthis2607
    I’m 35. And they believe I have this or MS. More tests 😩
  • I've just been diagnosed! I had a Brain MRI for reoccurring Vertigo. Found out I have CSVD. No real explanation from my Dr. I'm fit, healthy and excersize daily. I watch my Diet. I'm a little scared as my Mother had Dementia & my Father suffered TIAs in later life.. Would love to know more information!
  • @quietlistner7329
    Found out Today I found Out Today I have Wide Spread Chronic Micro Vasclar Ischemic Disease I'm 57 years old
  • I was diagnosed with csvd after an MRI showed 2 transient strokes. One one in the left frontal lobe, the other in the right parietal Occipital lobe. I have memory problems that cause some days to be worse than others. I never know what each day will be like so it's difficult to plan for any sort of social life. I also have double vision, loss the ability of my blatter and walk very slow besides balance issues.i lost the speed in movement which is has caused a lot of frustration and even depression because the days seem to end so fast and what I had planned to get done in one day now takes days to do. I am 54 years old and was told I lost my high functioning skills which makes me sad because i have trouble doing simple things concerning anything internet and forget how to use apps and password. I even forgot where i leave my notebook with all the information.
  • If we where robots we would be safe from everything thrown at us but the problem is we are not.i think the problem is their is so much anxiety and stress in the world and severe depression which a number of people experience i think that triggers all these horrible diseases.
  • I had 2 acute and 1 lesser strokes May 8th 2023. November, 2023 I have CSVD. I am 52. Will be 53 in a few weeks. I really would like to know more. The neuro said I will know if I am progressing because I will have more strokes and TIAs.....I feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is not much I see about people my age with this......can someone point me in a good direction?