Mary Apparitions Are Leading People to Hell

Published 2009-12-27
If Mary really does appear on tree stumps and bathroom windows, I suggest she get a better booking agent.

This video is a look at "Mary" from a view that her elevated status and veneration are not Biblical. Now, if MARY had appeared to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz instead of Glenda the Good Witch, that movie would have been a whole lot better don't you think? Actually, Mary would be worse than the Wicked Witch of the West because that witch only wanted her dead sister's shoes, whereas Mary is a media whore who shows up and demands attention and wants people to pray to her, to kneel down before her, to make sacrifices for her.... THAT Mary is high maintenance. Whereas Jesus came, He taught, lived a life as an example for others, and made the ultimate sacrifice for the salvation of the world. Not good enough according to Mary!

All Comments (21)
  • @trianglechoke101
    i converted from Catholicism when i was young child.I didnt feel this was right.Its ashame that there are adults that cannot see this but i recognized evil as a child
  • @bass13mary
    The original mother and child that the Catholics venerate is Tammuz and his mother Ishtar. He is the Queen of Heaven. To get pagans online with Christianity, they substituted Mary for Ishtar and Jesus for Tammuz. It's goddess worship. They also changed the sabbath to Sunday in honor of the Sun God.
  • @PZMedic
    I hadn't thought of it that way but you have an interesting point. I do recall one of the epistles warning us not to get into pointless debates. And you are also right that the division is satanic. The tmes I have debated some protestants you could almost feel a shrill tone to their posts. And when confronted with biblical truth of the teachings of the Holy Catholic church (particularly on the holy Eucharist they seem incapable of accepting it. God Bless.
  • @SWSimpson
    Please do not offer your bloody sacrifice to anyone but yourself.
  • @japhetocta8060
    I know it on my heart, SWSSimpson my heartbeat were piecing throung my heart. I lose devotion to mary when i have a Highest temperature, I've got 37 TO 40 almost degrees celcius. Years after later my sick were wash out by the help of the blessed mother thougether with divine mercy.
  • @lippertkaleb
    Oh Ha-Ha-Ha! And I can help u w/ that. What do u want to do? Vid yerself w/ a vid cam OR upload movies like I did on Windows Movie Maker?
  • @Zhuellor
    Actually the english word soul comes from the Hebrew word ~nephesh which means a persons Life, their person, oneself and does not denote any separation or life after the body is dead. Soul from the Greek word~ psuche denotes "the breath" the breath of life. When God created Adam from dust he then breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and man [became] a living soul. When the body is dead this breath of life returns to God and the person is then dead in the grave till the last trump.
  • @SWSimpson
    You are entitled to your faith, of course. One of my best friends is Irish Catholic, and whenever she is feeling down or troubled I encourage her to go to Mass. I even worked with the music director at her Catholic Church to put together the music for the Mass for her mother's funeral. However, when a woman was praising Mary, Jesus said, "Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it." Luk 11:28
  • @SWSimpson
    One of my best friends is a Buddhist monk and many friends of mine are Catholic. We don't argue over religion. People are entitled to their own personal faith and choice in how they worship. Everyone is entitled to hold a differing view. This is a suitable medium for expression of views. I am glad I don't require validation from you.
  • @cynthiax56
    We already discussed this several times & if you are being TRUTHFUL, SERIOUS & SINCERE, that you don't know what you have lied about/misquoted, then you have massive serious spiritual trouble Becauz some demon is clouding your intellect. Debate is more important to you than truth. That's what happens when you rebel against truth & willingly embrace error
  • @ConfirmedAmy
    LOOOOOL SOOOOOOOOO FUNNY! This comment was marked as spam because it is truth and it spoke right to the matter... THUMBS UP SISTER
  • @cynthiax56
    No oner ever said Mary was a deity, HOWEVER she IS the Mother of Jesus and should be respected and honoured. In Matthew, Mary says: "All generations will call me blessed" and the Angel Gabriel said the Holy Spirit would come upon her. (so she has the Holy Spirit) Prots are silly enough to believe they can belittle her and please Jesus at the same time.
  • @imawade
    Awesome, very well put. Look how large the catholic church is, then add all the other denominations with all their false doctrines. They need to read the scripture that says "Many are called, but few are chosen."
  • @Zhuellor
    The soul is not a ghost floating to heaven or hell after you die. When The real Jesus returns to raise the dead that were in Christ Jesus and gather his true flock that are still alive at that time and take us to heaven, then those that were dead will again have that breath of life. Just like is written in Ezekiel 37:1-9 &9-14
  • @SWSimpson
    CATHOLICS WORSHIP STATUES: In the news: Drainage water from a bathroom dripping down the foot of a statue of Jesus regarded as "holy water" by Catholic faithful in Mumbai. Man discovering true nature of the "miracle" charged with blasphemy! Blasphemy? People were drinking this bathroom drainage water thinking it could "cure"! This man should be praised for saving people from becoming ill from drinking bathroom drainage water!
  • @hiimgerome
    The mass 1st reading today was from Jeremiah23:1-16 1 Disaster for the shepherds who lose and scatter the sheep. 2..."You have scattered my flock, you have driven them away and have not taken care of them. Right, I shall take care of you for your misdeeds,Yahweh declares! Who has scattered the sheep in our day? 30000 denominations? Protest-ants. That's whorish, that's an abomination. I'm genuinely terrified for their souls as they persist in their prideful blasphemies &corruption of little ones