Why Sonic CD is My FAVORITE Sonic Game

Published 2022-08-13

All Comments (21)
  • @Pastraspec
    Just so yall know, the part 2 to my Sonic CD video is going to be coming at some point soon, but in the meantime I plan on working on some shorter videos to make up the time it takes to get that out! Hope that clears things up if there's any confusion about a future upload on here that isn't related to Sonic CD even though I announced part 2.
  • 18:17 "It feels like Metal is supposed to represent what Sonic could be in Robotnik's eyes." I have never thought about Metal Sonic that way but gotdamn if I'm not thinking about it now.
  • I honestly love how Pastra's videos are always so positive and upbeat The default for youtube seems to be "nobody will watch if you're not super critical of everything" so it's a breath of fresh air seeing someone this positive while still going very in-depth with their content
  • Also, little easter egg: In Wacky Workbench, you have a special room only accessible in specific time periods. When you see it in the past, you see a statue, presumably the one of an angel if we judge by the wings. The room seems to be made with bricks, clashing entirely with the metallic floor that made the place with. This room is a room that seems to be untouched by the time. This statue gives you rings. Cool. In other time periods, the room seems to be walled in since you cannot have access to it. In the Bad Future however, you can access it again, and apparently... Dr. Robotnik had his hands on it. The statue had been replaced with a statue of the doctor, not giving you any rings. The room itself is made with metal instead, and when you break the Robotnik statue out of spite... you get a trap that attacks you. This further reinforces the need for you to actually save the world and get the good ending, just in the hope that this statue doesn't get defiled again.
  • @DatHypnoboi
    I love that Lankmann's basically become an annoying roommate that pesters Pastra to make videos on horror, it feels so in character for him, because we all know that he would be that petty
  • I love how having a second part about the horror of this game perfectly fits with the duality stuff you were talking about.
  • Like 2 minutes in, loving the intro currently. I hate when people get the idea that because something is your favourite it must mean you think it's the best. Thank you so much for making it clear that is not the case.
  • @Scorchlette
    Something I, too, love about CD is Metal Sonic. Particularly, that even though everyone else has gone through several design changes- Metal hasn't. Sure his limbs might have gotten longer or his animations might be smoother, but his core design hasn't changed since CD. He's still this metallic antithesis of classic Sonic that stands in stark contrast to what Sonic is. The only change Metal's had was Neo Metal, and that felt more like a new form rather than a design change so I say Neo doesn't count.
  • @Pastraspec
    MASSIVE shoutout to my friend Lyrahorrorz for putting together the intro for this video. She did it for me completely on a whim and that means the WORLD to me! If you're able to, please check out her stuff on twitter! twitter.com/LyraHorrorz
  • @MRSprings
    It's great to see you expanding to some less-horrorish games! Especially Sonic! Although not willing to say Sonic CD isn't a horror game lol
  • @Dylan_Otto
    I agree with Metal as Sonic’s rival. It perfectly encapsulates the saying “you are your greatest enemy” and forces you/Sonic to surpass your own limits (story-wise anyway).
  • The discussion of horror games is definitly what drew me to this channel, but if im being honest, i just absolutely love Pastra's content. It feels like chatting with a friend about the new game they found and why they love it so much- and god, i love listening to people talk about things they're passionate about.
  • I always thought Metal Sonic was the perfect rival, he has no goal beside the utter destruction of his rival, he can’t be reasoned with, and he’s on several occasions betrayed his own creator because he figured he was too incompetent to kill Sonic, and no matter how many times he loses he always comes back.
  • One little thing that I wanted to add to the Metal Sonic fight is Robotnik's role in it and what it represents. it has two sides: Robotnik's confidence in Metal and his lack of care over his creations. Robotnik chases you and Metal with an unavoidable insta-kill laser. The fact that he decides to do it means that he either is so confident in Metal winning the race that he'll be able to finally end Sonic with no chance of escaping. Or... Robotnik does not care if Metal loses. In his mind, it's just another machine that he created to stop Sonic, most likely expecting it to fail him, just like every other one in the past. He is not afraid to destroy Metal in the laser if he loses to Sonic, which shows how little this supposedly perfect rival mattered to him.
  • @B_42
    I love Sonic CD for its sense of exploration and discovery, not only in-game, but the secrets which can be found in the sound test menu, the secret special stage, the fact that the second level, a zone supposedly being a mirrored version of marble zone scrapped very early in development, the influences of many great songs in, and the tone of, the soundtrack, it all blends together to make one of the most interesting and intriguing experiences that Sonic has to offer. And, as it was designed to be the successor to the first sonic game, and linking to the theme of duality, all of the stages in Sonic CD are essentially mirrored versions of the stages in Sonic 1, Palmtree Panic resembling Green Hill, Metallic Madness being similar to Scrap Brain, among others. One of my favorite games in the series despite all of the flaws it has, mainly in terms of level design due to most of the team working on it focussing on the more artistic, conceptual and environmental aspects. oh and metal sonic is truly awesome and i love him so much
  • @rawrpopsicles
    I think it’s adorable that your avatar is what it is, but you can’t help but love Amy rose. Omg that’s so wholesome!
  • Slightly off topic, but I love how at the end of the video we jump to what feels like two sides of one coin. On one hand, Pastro the creator wants to make content based on things he enjoys that others may find interest in, even if it's not the norm. On the other, you have a side that wants to try and cater to the majority crowd that wants one particular thing outta you which is the most popular subject. And if anyone's managed to miss that part, which many probably have, they wouldn't know
  • @KingOfNotHere
    That "Sonic, dead or alive" clip, holy crap, it's good, and while in metallic madness where it's used feels more like Robotnik's words, with how Metal was used in Heroes, yeah, it definitely feels like the words of Metal.
  • I love Sonic CD so much, its got good levels, soundtrack (both JP and US) and it introduced Metal Sonic and Amy.
  • @blinky6254
    Metal Sonic scared me as a kid The game version was scary enough but when the movie came out it terrified me, seeing him in a what I thought was HD Metal Sonic in the animated Sonic movie is both terrifying and unreal in a way