The hustle culture is so toxic #consciousbusiness

Published 2024-03-26
Truth is paradoxical in nature. Every truth has its opposite. For example, “look before you leap,” but “he who hesitates is lost.”
“Too many cooks spoil the broth,” but “many hands make light work.”
“The early bird gets the worm,” but “haste makes waste.”
Wisdom is not found in one extreme or the other, but rather in the timing of WHEN to apply either polarity of a particular truth. Ecclesiastes 3 illustrates this. There is a time for every purpose under heaven, it says: to gather versus to scatter, to embrace and to shun, a time to fight, and a time to make peace.
I mention this because in the entrepreneurial arena,on one hand, you have hustle culture, and on the other hand, you have Wu Wei. Both have their proponents insisting that their way is right.
Yet Jesus says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Notice that Jesus didn’t advocate for laying all burdens down, throwing off all yokes, and just chillaxing free as a bird. Jesus said he has a yoke for you, and a burden. The picture is of an ox plowing a field or pulling a cart.
I don’t know about you, but the absence of any burden at all sometimes feels heavier than a full load. We think we’d like to retire to the beach and live the laptop lifestyle while sipping a piña colada, but when we’re not living for anyone, not serving a purpose or any people, it can feel like the heaviest oppression.

By right, Your life’s work should feel purposeful, like you’re carrying something. But according to Jesus, it should be light and easy. How does the yoke on your shoulders feel? Are you too burdened by life to truly live? On the other hand, do you have a clear sense of purpose? Tell me about it in the comments below. Subscribe and follow for more like this.
Till next time, may your days be light and easy!

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#wuwei #jesusistheway #beinghuman #bibleteaching

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