The Failure to Diagnose Bipolar Disorder. 4 EASY solutions!

Published 2022-12-22
For bipolar people, it takes seeing 7 therapists/psychiatrists (on average) until getting the proper diagnosis! This takes place over many years of episodes, brain damage and destruction of our lives.

All Comments (21)
  • I want to thank you, Lizzie, because after watching a video of yours, I went to get an evaluation. Not entirely because of your video, but I seemed to be a unipolar depressive to my nurse practitioner. When I was admitted to a psych place, it turned out it's bipolar depression. I thank you so much, Lizzie!!
  • I'm not bipolar but am autistic and didn't know until last year, at the age of 22. It is common for autistic girls to be undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and not understanding ourselves causes us to have horrible self esteem, become depressed and anxious, develop eating disorders, enter abusive relationships, and so much more!
  • through the years, I have always enjoyed your passion and love for others. You have a good heart Lizzie and a warrior for humanity. May the Lord continue to bless you and your marriage.
  • @yeranishunor
    I agree with this. I have noticed bipolar symptoms in a child and she ended up showing obvious signs of bipolar (type 2) when she got older. Not one therapist told her she could be bipolar. Not one.
  • @REALBeezle
    i'm 26 and didn't get diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder until this past march - even though i've self-identified as autistic for nine years, and there were doctors who suspected i was from the time i was little but never told my mom i'm grateful we were able to find someone to evaluate me when we did, 'cause otherwise i would've been kicked off of my parents' insurance
  • @danyf.7109
    I just discover your channel, I was diagnosed in 2015 with depression, after some sessions, the psychiatrist told me I also have hipomania. In 2021 I had another depression episode, I failed to talk to my last psychologist (not the same) about the hipomania, because I didn't see it as a problem, until I started recently to research about it, and all I can find was related to bipolar II. The fist time I was diagnosed with depression and hipomania I was under antidepressants and also with a mood stabilizer, which according to my research is used to treat bipolar... I am taking control of that and journaling and filling a mood sheet. I think I'm right now hipomaniac, but is when I function better 😅 u.u Thanks a lot for your channel, God bless you!
  • MRI being overused has been argued by the National Institutes of health to cause what's called over diagnosis from my own understanding.
  • @yeranishunor
    This is such an important topic. Bipolar type 2 can go undiagnosed for many years when the symptoms are clear as day. Apparently there is a blood test that can detect bipolar.
  • @PinkFlip23
    It’s crazy, some of it is not their fault though. In their defense, sometimes it doesn’t show until later. For me, it didn’t show until I was 24/25. I got diagnosed as type 2 at 26. I am 27 now and doing SO much better. Now they are starting to realize if x amount of antidepressants doesn’t work they are most likely BP and it’s a red flag. Also, they are finding genes to be associated with BP, so hopefully, that will help shortly to detect it before it becomes more prevalent. I was Dx with MDD for ten years and I was in SSRIs. They would work then not work. I went into therapy after a depressive episode and also booked a psychiatrist. My psychiatrist Dx me. I didn’t really see it at first, but after a few weeks and processing it in therapy, it made sense. It made sense that before that episode I was hypomanic and then went to a mixed episode, to depression. Hypomania can be so subtle it can be easy to miss. It was pretty subtle for me. I just had more energy, didn’t sleep as much, was more productive, and made some safe investments. Need to do better though when someone comes in for MDD they should be screened for a past hypo \manic episode, the patient should be educated so they can notice if it is happening, and it should have an eye kept on it. We can’t just be like well they are depressed and have been for years let’s not consider bipolar.
  • @Yaa7700
    Change your smoke alarm batteries
  • @HPTFan
    Interesting video. Happy New Year! :D
  • Thanks for explaining. From what I heard the main symptom that indicates it is BP and not BPD or ADHD is irregular sleeping patterns. Could you confirm?
  • I have Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, ADD, possibly Borderline Personality Disorder.
  • I think you have to be more specific. It's a functional MRI not a conventional MRI. I'm a retired zeugmatographer via BD specific to wreckless behavior.