How to Paint Tulips in Acrylic Real Time Free Class

Published 2015-04-11
How to Paint Tulips in Acrylic Real Time Free Class
This is a beginner lever painting tutorial perfect for a paint party (yes you my teach this at a paint party!)

You will need (for each student)
8"x10" canvas
#6 round synthetic and #12 flat hog brush (I used a small synthetic flat here but realized I could do that with a round brush)
Acrylic paint in: Cad yellow, Ultramarine Blue. Cad red, sap green and white
water bucket, paper towels, palette

Here is the photo I used by Kathy Paulus on Paint my Photo:

I will have a tutorial on how to teach at a paint party tomorrow!

How to Paint Tulips in Acrylic Real Time Free Class

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All Comments (21)
  • @lois7364
    This is wonderful as always. It always amazes me how nice and genuinely caring you are to your viewers, it's something that's really admirable
  • I like the option of having both so I can watch the fast one when I don't have much time and then go back to see the longer version later, usually when I am ready to paint. I find it very beneficial that you show your mistakes and how to fix them. That's real and actually more help than if you did everything perfect or clipped out your mistakes.
  • I have just started "teaching" acrylic painting to [very] senior citizens, who most have never painted before. I call it facilitating really, as my emphasis is on the therapeutic beneficial aspects as opposed to a finished painting in an hour technique. It was a long time ago when I learned to paint and have always used acrylics. But it is a different matter to teach beginning painting and you have helped me so much to get more confidence in being able to help the ones who want serious technique training. I love your channel and your videos and I don't even notice the furnace because I'm so enthralled with what you are doing/saying. THANK YOU!
  • @pamblack5894
    I like the long version. Lindsey is a great teacher for beginners. I got a little confused with the different brushes but I just went with what I had and thought she was using. I was pleased with my result. Need to purchase the spray she mentioned at the end.
  • I have heard you often say how you don't need one of every colour as you should learn to mix them and its so true. I rarely buy any other colour bar red, yellow & blue. I did buy black because I didn't know how to make black until I learned from your tutorials and also white. I used white to make grey until I learned from your tutorials. I probably still will buy white just to add sparkle on things now and then. But I'll never need to buy black now I know how to mix it, and the reason I don't is to save money. If I can make all colours out of the main 3 -5 colours why waste money when that can be used on decent brushes -better quality paper and canvases and frames for the pictures etc. I learn so much from you Lindsay. Thankyou
  • When I took tole painting classes many many years ago our teacher always had to remind us to breathe. As we did our brush strokes we would hold our breath. I guess we thought holding our breath made our strokes more perfect. Lol I enjoy both short and long videos. Thank you so very much for sharing.
  • @shannondawn44
    Oh yea, a nice long painting tutorial . I am settling in with my cup of tea to enjoy watching this for the first time . Thanks for posting :)
  • So appreciate you explaining for those of us just getting started with acrylics. Hope others understand beginners need help. 7 mins in and learned several strokes, acrylics dry darker, covering canvas, types of craft paint qualities; she’s just the best out there.
  • @SuperWahinetoa
    Thank you for explaining in detail because I'm new and  it helps greatly. You are a WONDERFUL teacher!
  • Lindsay, I  like the longer video's.  More details can be given, especially when you do them from start to finish.  I can sit and watch these all day. I also would enjoy more acrylic painting....I've never had the guts to try water color painting.  Than you for caring enough to show those of us who do not have the opportunity for taking classes.
  • Thank you so much for this! I've always wanted to throw a paint party and now I have beautiful, Spring material. xo!
  • @gloriaeike4973
    I started watercolor painting in October of 2014 and have come to love it.  After watching your acrylic painting tutorial, I may try my hand at that as well.  My niece gave me a canvas with some paint for Christmas, but at that time, didn't think I'd use it.  I love your videos, especially the long version. Thank you for being a great inspiration!
  • @brucemyers2597
    Lindsey, Thank you!  I have been wanting to learn to paint but was concerned about the cost of the heavy body paints that I was holding off.  What you do with the "craft" acrylics is so inspiring. All the other painters seem to use the more expensive paints.  Now you have given me hope to try something new and not go broke in my retirement years. Again THANK YOU!
  • Beautiful painting--and no I don't paint.  I love to watch you paint and explain what you are doing and tell your stories, and . . .  Makes me feel like I had a friend drop by for a little while!  Hope your class went great!  I'm sure you made the students feel good about whatever they did!  Thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to continue to think of your You Tube students.
  • @janmulroy
    Sat down this morning too paint and found this video. I love it. I'm new especially with flowers. I will admit the flowers were way harder than I thought. But with acrylic, I just let them dry, went over them with white and started over till I got it right. Thanks for posting the long video.
  • @gwenritch
    Hi Lindsay, Im hoping you will see this message. Thanks so much for allowing me to use this in my paint party. I was looking up something else on paint parties and this older video came up. Yes Im a follower of your delightful channel! thanks again
  • @anistiles6156
    Thank you so much for teaching this class and making it available to viewers!  My daughter and I painted together and very much enjoyed learning and watching and painting this beautiful picture.
  • @aprilstark8887
    I love your "conversational tone" when you are painting! It feels more like you and I are just sitting and painting together. When you do a "voice-over" it feels more like you are in "Lindsey the Broadcaster" mode.
  • @janisvogt1079
    "No mistakes. Just happy accidents!"  Thanks for showing the 'whole' process.
  • @artseecraftee
    This is lovely !..Thanks for all these wonderful lessons .nothing like inspiration .I too am an artist and in the summer I work with kids showing them Art stuff and doing Art projects with them etc..I could talk a book to you about my experiences at 61...It is not so much keeping the materials together though my materials can be anything from cardboard to corn husks from roll rubber roofing to melt and pour soap ...candle wax to pottery clay ...lately I have been working on building houses with milk cartons and larger ones with card board boxes and die cutters to make the window faces ..Keep up the good work !!! As a painter i'm inspired by it when i see other artists paint I learn good approaches etc thanks again !