You made Fundy cry

Published 2021-03-18

All Comments (21)
  • @Urekuts
    Fundy: * cries * Everyone: animal crossing Me thinking about that one donation: you make a great baby man
  • @azeler7820
    He sounds like an Animal Crossing character when gurgling-
  • @EvanGhostboy
    Fundy: * crying * Isabelle wondering why he wants to murder the entire planet with a cup of water
  • @janedevrim6793
    Fundy:Crying Animal crossing characthers wondering why he wants to spawn the dark lord
  • @G00perTrooper
    No one: Not even sad Fundy: The message: make a grave baby man
  • @ItzBasically_
    Expectation: Fundy sounding like he's crying Reality: Fundy sounding like a drowned.
  • @jackplays2236
    fundy: crying on stream tom nook: wondering why fundy wants to invade the E.U with a dead fly
  • @indigo2739
    “Welcome to the Americas got talent, what are you in for?” Fundy:*sadly gurgles water*
  • @Gaitplayz
    Hollands got talent: “So whats your talent?” Fundy: animal crossing noises
  • @Sacrefiied
    The animations look amazing. The image of fundy crying while gargling is so cute. Squeeee. (0:13)
  • @bitter_1308
    Fundy: sob sob A random Animal Crossing character: wondering why he wants to plan to take over the world with over a thousand toddlers
  • @rhythm.c
    Fundy: "cries" Everyone else: a n i m a l c r o s s i n g
  • @jebb_
    sighs Yes mother, that's my comfort streamer...
  • Fundy: Gurgles water Every Animal Crossing character wondering why he's planning to invade India: •-•
  • Fundy: having a mental breakdown Animal crossing characters wondering why he wants to start a war with France and steal all the potato supply from Australia all while speed running dark souls
  • @AlmightySmorg
    “I’m gonna drink a lot of water”...he learned from Techno well
  • @mintybubz985
    Fundy's inner salmon is coming out. He's speaking the language of his mother